Chapter 33 (Laila)

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Note: chapter pic has football in relation to chapter but is also in honor of the brave Kurds who fight ISIS and do not discriminate women as soldiers.

"So...he just left?"
"He'll be back Laila. Badr does this sometimes"
I shrugged and spread Nutella on my bread as if I didn't really mind.
The truth was though-
I did.
I really did. I couldn't believe after everything that had happened last night Badr would just leave. If not as a almost friend, he should have at least stayed because it was his job to babysit me.
I couldn't escape the thoughts of last night, how he'd so tenderly looked after me. I didn't usually like it when people babied me but Badr didn't do that- he didn't pretend you couldn't look after yourself, he just made sure you knew that for a certain amount of time you were under his care. I found that I liked that.
The way he'd understood my discomfort also hit me hard. He'd known exactly why I didn't want him around and he'd brought my hijab for me. That gesture struck me right to my core- it was so huge in my eyes. Especially because it didn't fit my idea of Badr at all- seducer, probably has girls running after him all the time...and although I didn't deny these things I never expected him to notice anything about me or to care for me like that. He could have easily called in Baba's private doctors and nurses to take a look at me, yet he'd done it all himself.
And just when I was thinking he wasn't as bad as I thought he was gone.
For a reason unknown to me and, apparently Yassin.
Was it because of me?
What did I do?

Luckily there was no trace of the earlier dizziness and pain that had bothered me most of the weekend, and I was grateful. To make things better today I found if I'd made it in the first XL for soccer and if I was I'd have training today!
I packed my bag and readied myself for school, pulling on my prized navy blue Canterbury track pants and a plain red shirt and white scarf. Because it looked pretty cold outside I decided to wear a hoodie/jacket thing just in case. I couldn't bear the cold.
"Ready?" Yassin shouted from downstairs, "I'll get the car"
"Yep I'm just coming!"
I slung my bag over my shoulder and jogged outside expecting to see the red ford.
Instead Yassin was in the coolest car I'd ever seen.
It was a Mercedes sports model, sleek and silver, two seater. I gaped at it for a moment and Yassin grinned, tapping the dashboard.
"Meet ma baby" he said in a fake British accent.
"You do know this is going to attract a lot of attention" I replied, sliding into the passenger seat.
Yassin shrugged, "they ruined the ford. And I don't know if there's any point in going undercover anymore- they already seem to know where you are and what you do"
"I guess you're right" I said uneasily.
Yassin seemed to realize how discomforting that was and corrected himself, "no Laila, not like that- I just mean that we're being ignorant if we pretend they don't know. That doesn't mean we- I'm not going to let anything happen to you"
"Thanks" I smiled and remembered how Badr had said the same thing.

We approached school and I noticed Niha getting dropped off in front. She was wearing a fur lined coffee colored coat and black jeans with black boots. I sighed. She always looked on point.
"Is that Niha?" asked Yassin, pushing his shades over his hair. Then he noticed me staring at him and he flushed, "what?"
I responded by rolling down my window and calling out her name. She turned her head, looking around before spotting us.
"Oh, assalamualaikum Laila, Yassin"
"How are you?" My 'cousin' asked before I could reply.
Niha smiled, "good alhamdulillah! What about you guys?"
"Great al-alhamdulillah"
The car behind us honked loudly and Niha laughed, "I think you should find a spot"
I grinned an quickly jumped out of the car,give Yassin a wave as he drove away.
"Wow! Who was that?" Rana came up behind us, her eyes wide and stuck to the Mercedes.
"My cousin" I replied tightly, I knew driving here in a freaking Mercedes was a bad idea!
"Wow" repeated Rana, nudging Niha who blushed very, very faintly. I winked at her and she blushed even harder.
"Hey Laila!" A booming voice came up behind us. It was Hassan, beaming and smiling from ear to ear.
"Uh oh" muttered Rana.
"Hey!" Hassan put up his hands in mock surrender, "all I wanted to tell you eeeeeezzzz...LAILA YOU MADE IT TO FIRST XL!"

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