Chapter 65 (Badr & Laila)

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Note: hi guys! So exams are finally over!!!! Alhamdulillah :) I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think in the comments! I also changed the cover of the book which is the chapter pic today soooo thoughts? Unedited.

I had never felt so many emotions inside me at once. Anger, sadness, frustration...and fear. I, Badr AbdulQadir, was scared.

I was scared of stepping inside that room.

I was scared of what Laila would think of me once she emerged.

I was scared for the fragile peace I'd created inside myself despite all the shit me and my brothers had to go through.

I was going to lose what made me, Badr; the certainty of whatever I did was right, the sureness of myself and who I was.

I stared at the door, stared at her name. A lump rose in my throat and I tried to swallow it away. I was not going to cry twice in the same day.

And yet, it didn't feel so bad.

I'd stayed away from tears for a very long time- not much brought me to them at all. I also knew the incredible pain you felt when you cried, but never that some pain actually leaves you when you break down. I was glad Laila had been there, her soft, sweet nature had eased the hard stone like defense I'd put up. Even though it was me who took her hand, I found comfort with that dainty wrist in my fingers. I was reminded that people needed my protection, and the one person who was growing on that more and more was her.
Ya Laila... Her words blew my mind, the way she thought stunned me. Her absolute belief in her Allah threw me off guard. I had yet to meet a a real Muslim, the one who was not only brought up with the title but actually adhered to it's nature.
We did not know each other the way I knew Vitaly or Bilal or Yassin, hell we barely got along half the time, but in the few months I'd known her she'd become more than just Ms Mohammed Junior. She'd become the Ms Mohammed Junior, the one I enjoyed spending time with, the one who fascinated me. Fascinated was the right word I decided. What else could it be? I was not drawn to her beauty in the way men are drawn to women, I was drawn to her strange nature, and her huge heart.
How someone could still look me in the eye after I told them of what I was responsible for was beyond me.
How someone could meet my past face to face was on another level.

Suddenly the door opened again and Laila stood in the frame. She gave me a smile which threw me off guard.
"How is she?" I found myself asking.
"She's amazing Badr..." She breathed, her eyes shining, "it's bad as you think"
My head my head Ummi was who I'd last seen, the traumatized, shrieking woman.
"Do you..." She trailed off, biting her lip.
"Do I?" I managed.
"Do you want to meet her?" She searched my expression with a hopeful look. I shook my head immediately and her face fell with disappointment. I winced and looked away. I was not going to let those huge eyes bend my will again.
"We're going home" I ordered thorough gritted teeth, grasping her wrist and pulling her away. She reluctantly followed, squirming in my grip slightly.

Once we were outside I let her go and she started up again almost immediately.
"Badr you have to tell them" Laila blurted, stopping us in our tracks. I rounded on her angrily.
"I'm not telling anyone" I growled, "I don't care if...its better"
"But Badr don't you see?" Laila pleaded, "Ms Saleh needs you guys! She's forgotten stuff but she also understands there's something missing from her life and that's her family!"
"I knew this would happen" I replied quietly, turning away. 
"Trust is a myth" I answered flatly, "I don't know what fucking happened when I made the mistake of bringing you here with me. I trust someone with a secret only so it could blow up in my face!"
I didn't know why I was being so cruel. I didn't know why anger surged within me stronger than it ever had before. I wanted to set fire to something, or for a stupid Buria to distract me. Even though I seethed inside, when I looked at Laila again I immediately regretted it. She was obviously trying very hard not to cry, but her expression gave away how hurt she was. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I was doing that a lot more now. Agitation was not leaving me anytime soon.
"Look," I tried, "I just need some time to think okay?"
"It's okay" she nodded, "I guess I was going too fast"
"You don't have to apologize" I replied softly, my own tone surprising me, "I wanted you to come with me. I actually listen to what you have to say and that's saying something" I joked. Laila laughed, slightly embarassed. I watched a cute faint blush blossom on her cheeks for a few moments, then abruptly turned away. What the fuck do you think you're doing staring at her?
"Let's go?" She asked.
"Let's go" I agreed.

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