Chapter 64 (Laila)

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Note: inshaAllah this chapter will be awesome...and heartbreaking. I think this is the last mystery of the AbdulQadir family, and I hope you can understand their pain. Vote and comment if you enjoy it! I want to hear your thoughts ❤️ this chapter is dedicated to So_Relatable  for always making me so excited about my next piece. Unedited.

"Laila, wake up"
Someone was shaking my shoulders gently. I grumpily shrugged them off. I was so tired, could I not have a few more minutes at least? It felt as though I'd only just closed my eyes.
"Laila come on" the voice belonged to Badr. I snapped an eye open murderously. I was sure it was red and puffy due to the very few hours of sleep I'd obviously received. His expression was one of worry but he laughed at my response.
"What?" I snapped.
"Please get up, you're usually up before this time anyway"
"Yeah that's because I-" I bolted up, my heart beating very fast, "Dammit!"
I shot off the sofa and quickly flew up the stairs, almost slamming into the opposite wall in my semi- unconscious state. Badr followed, right on my heels, and though that was strange of him I couldn't care less- I needed to pray.
I hurriedly made wudhu, threw on an abaya and looked around for my janamaaz (prayer mat), trying not to pay attention to the lightening sky outside.
"Laila wait a minute" Badr said, stepping in my way, "I need you to get ready quick, we're going somewhere"
"We?" I asked, momentarily confused.
"You and me yes"
"Where?" I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. When he didn't grin or smile or wink did I realize there was something wrong with him.
"Badr are you okay?" I asked him quietly. He ran a hand through his hair, looking frustrated with himself.
"Will you come?" He asked through gritted teeth.
"I- sure. Just give me fifteen minutes"
"Okay" he curtly exited the room.

I prayed and got changed into black skinny jeans, a black and white striped top which was long and a thin hooded black coat over that. Debating on a couple of scarves I threw on a nice dull gold. My face looked terrible- I had dark circles under my eyes they were rimmed red. My cheeks looked slightly hollow and my lips a shade darker. On second thought I applied a tiny bit of lipstick to make them normal, even thing I kept overthinking how it looked and ended up licking it off. All in all I felt terrible. Something churned in my stomach that made me feel uneasy and sick, and my head throbbed. I felt weak and fragile and if I trusted myself I could swear my forehead was burning up.
Maybe it was the new meds?
I shrugged it off and head down to meet Badr at the foot of the stairs. He hadn't made much of an effort, just taken a quick shower, pulled on a pair of black pants and a dark red shirt on top. He still looked incredibly handsome, despite the impatient look on his face.
"Sorry" I muttered, hurrying alongside him as we headed to the car. He shook his head.
"Don't be. This is a little out of the blue"
"Do you mind telling me where we're going?" I asked timidly, "is there...are we in danger?"
Badr gazed at me for a few moments, and I wondered how he still drive straight.
"You're not in danger" he said finally.
Seeing as he didn't answer the first part of my question, I assumed he didn't want to tell me.

Wherever we were going was quite far away. He drove for what seemed like a good hour and a half- mostly in silence where I dozed off- and when we stopped the first time I eagerly looked out of the window, wondering what was so special about this place.
"You want to go to Burger King?" I asked after a few moments of me staring at the only open place and him staring at me, "this early?"
"We didn't have breakfast" he shrugged.
Oh yeah I thought, I almost thought you didn't realize the first five times my stomach talked.

We walked into the outlet, probably surprising the semi- asleep workers. The girls seemed to wake up when they saw him. Badr looked around the place with a very judgemental expression. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"You don't usually come to Burger King, do you?"
Badr scoffed, "I don't go to cheap places period"
I rolled my eyes, "you'll never know real food unless you taste this stuff"
He wrinkled his nose, "burgers, fries, fried chicken...?" He looked disgusted.
"Aside from burger it's all sooo good!"
"Wow" he mulled this over, then he grinned that really mischievous grin when you knew he was going to drop a virtual bomb, "never knew you were a real pig inside"
My mouth dropped and heat rushed to my face. He laughed at my reaction but I turned away, embarrassed and a little angry.
"Aw Laila I'm sorry" he said, still laughing. I glared at him from under my lashes, and promptly walked up to the counter.
"Two large fries packed please, an apple pie and choco-coffee smoothie and a hash brown"
"Is this for both of you-?"
"Oh no" I replied with sweetness, "this is just for me! My cousin is still deciding"
With that I winked at a shocked Badr and found a table by the window, pretending to be very interested in my phone.
A few moments later he sat opposite me, and I could feel his gaze on my face.
"I ordered a burger" he offered.
"Great" I replied nonchalantly.
"With extra cheese"
"It's my first time"
"So?" I looked up, "should I give you a certificate?"
He grinned, pleased I'd reacted, "you could always give me a 'I'll do whatever you want' voucher"
I rolled my eyes, "as if"
My order arrived, surprisingly fast, and Badr watched with wide eyes as a whole tray full of fatty foods arrived my way. I only intended to eat the apple pie, the rest was for lunch, but he didn't need to know that.
"How you're so skinny is beyond me" he remarked, watching as I daintily bit into my food. I hated eating in public and if it meant eating the the thing crumb by crumb to ensure minimal embarrassment I would do so. I was so focused on my food I didn't realize how closely Badr was inspecting me. His smile was gone and replaced by a hard set jaw. I stopped eating.
"What?" I asked him in a small voice.
"There's something wrong, isn't it?" He demanded. I shook my head, bewildered, "what??"
Before I could move the back of his fingers was on my forehead, feeling the temperature.
"Can't tell if it's a fever" he muttered more to himself then me. I gently shook him off.
"Relax" I told him, "I feel a little sick but it's more like a cold. I get all tired and stuff if I don't sleep enough"
"We're still going to the doctor's"
"Sure?" I replied incredelously, "there's nothing wrong with me Badr, you're just too paranoid"
He was suddenly so serious, his eyes gazing into mine with a look that I couldn't give a name to. He picked up my fingers off the table in his hand with a questioning look. I didn't pull away, partly because I was so shocked and partly because I wasn't sure if you could break out of Badr's grip.
"I have to be" he said softly, "I promised amu Faris I'd look after you"
I said nothing, completely frozen in that haram touch that was sending shocks down my arm.

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