Chapter 28 (Yassin)

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"I'll have that memory stick now please, Yassin"
"You know we give and take at the same time"
"Fine. Lorenzo?"
Yassin's client beckoned for his man to bring the payment and the two men exchanged items. He was a broad shouldered man, and it was obvious he was rolling in wealth down to his cuff links. He'd payed Cedochi to withdraw files of charges against him, and Yassin had been the one for the job. To say the least Yassin didn't like the glint in his eye. It screamed double-crosser and the kind of manipulative aura that made you feel as though you were always in a trap.
"Thank you. I hope our business is over?"
He got a smirk in reply so he shrugged and made to leave.
"So, Laila Mohammed is in town I hear?" The client called out behind him.
He froze, then said in a tight voice,
"I would be curious to know where you heard that from"
His client grinned and cocked his head mockingly.
"Did you think the most wanted figure in Buria lists could just walk into New Forest and we wouldn't notice? We're always watching."

Yassin tore through the pandemonium scene inside Fankour, his heart pounding loudly. Someone had opened fire and Yassin was certain this was linked to his client's visit to the bar. What was more, all the windows in his car were shattered. Thank goodness Laila had apparently fled. Luckily this was just the red ford- if it had been Badr and his convertible, everyone would be dead.
He pulled out his own revolver and quickly headed toward the light control box- if anything, he needed to hide Laila.
"Yassin what is going on?"
It was André, crouching behind the counter, his pistol in hand.
"I have no idea" Yassin muttered, "listen, Andrè- call Badr here immediately"
André nodded and Yassin crossed over to the back room where all the electrical controls were for the bar. He quickly found the power switch as flicked it shut, feeling satisfied as the place was suddenly plunged in darkness. There were shouts and sounds of vehicles revving up and zooming away- no one wanted to be caught here and the cops were sure to turn up soon.
He slid out of the bar, feeling fairly certain Laila wasn't inside. She probably thought it was haram.
But where was she?
He berated himself inwardly. What was he thinking bringing her here?! How could he be so stupid?! His head throbbed with anger. If Badr had been in his place he would have never done this. This was his little brother's department- he was better suited surrounded by computers, with whom he was lethal.
He slid into a crack between the bar and the brick building next door, his gun held securely in hand. He was certain, judging by a piece of pink fabric stuck to a grimy brick, that Laila had come this way. He moved silently through the shadows, barely making a sound.
Perhaps that's why, when he heard a cough a few meters up ahead he almost shot it's source in alarm.
It turned out to be a Cedochi initiate, someone he'd seen a few times around the bar. Ben, his name was maybe.
The boy didn't look so good, his blond hair was matted with sweat and his face was contorted in pain. From his phone's light Yassin could see he'd been shot, and pretty badly. His chest had a gaping hole which flowed with blood freely, pooling around him.
"C-Cedochi?" the boy, Ben, whimpered.
"Yes" Yassin knelt down in front of him, "what happened to you? Who did this?"
"B-Buria were here- I s-saw them"
"But how did they get in? They've never had the guts to do that before"
"I...don't...know" he squeezed his eyes shut, "end it- please-"

At the end of the passage he found Laila. She seemed to be okay, leaning against the wall, her hand on her head.
"Laila?" He crouched down next to her, "are you okay?"
She looked up at him and blinked, then it registered to her it was him and she sighed in relief.
"I think so" she said quietly, "someone came after me and knocked me out but I don't know where he went or what happened"
"Are you hurt?" He asked in concern, looking her over. Apart from a few scratches here and there and a ruined dress she looked fine.
"I-I don't think so"
"Let's get you home then"
He helped her up and gripped her wrist, leading her back through the darkness.

When they reached the bar again the lights were back on, and the scene that met them was...strangely satisfying to Yassin, shocking for Laila.
There was Badr, and he looked angrier then Yassin had ever seen him. He'd grabbed a guy with dreads and was beating the pulp out of him, his face an expression of pure fury. Behind him several other guys were knocked out cold and were being cuffed by other Cedochi, probably to be taken to their private prison.
"How dare you think you could open fire here you scum bag" Badr growled, taking the guy by the collar and spitting on his face, "You Buria just crossed the line today-"
The guy spat back on his face.
Badr didn't waste a moment. He slammed him back on the concrete, pulled out his gun and shot him- once, twice, three times.
"What do we do with them?" A guy asked Badr, his expression grim.
"Interrogate them" his brother replied, his voice low, "and then burn them. For every Cedochi we lost today we will take ten of their own. How fucking dare they come here, and now they'll pay"
Yassin shook his head. To others Badr looked like their worst nightmare- ridiculously perfect, cold and burning in rage at the same time, a devil who'd been disguised as an angel uptil this point.
He finally noticed Yassin and then Laila and his expression softened.
"Let's go home" Yassin said quietly.

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