Chapter 55 (Niha & Ethan)

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Note: just a nice way to see everything from third person :) you may have noticed I sometimes accidentally write in this tense when I'm not supposed to haha :') Also I love Niha and Yassin! Although I know most of you are eager to see more of the pairings the focus of this chapter is more on external happenings between Buria and Cedochi. Dark times are coming. Unedited.

Badr's sense of self-confidence never failed to amaze Niha. How anyone could be so sure of themselves she had no idea and she could tell it had taken most of them off guard.
Usually when a student was new they were shy or quiet or didn't really instantly mingle. If someone who had Badr's looks had been like that a hundred girls would have flocked to him to 'assist' the new guy, help him find his way around school.
But Badr didn't really give anyone that chance.
He had this way of moving about as though he were something powerful in the form of a young man. It didn't look like he was packed with muscle or anything yet it felt like if it came to strength there was no estimation.

He was also a polar opposite to Yassin in attitude and personality, although they bore striking resemblance.

She blushed slightly, thinking of him. He was so carelessly handsome, almost as if he didn't know just how breathtakingly gorgeous he was. He was nervous and shy at times but confident when he didn't know she was looking. Do I make you nervous Yassin? She thought fondly. She still couldn't believe they'd watched a football game together- that didn't seem like something she'd ever imagined possible and yet it had and while what occurred afterward was horrifying, hanging out with Yassin had been her highlight. A happy feeling grew in her stomach every time she thought of that one hour.
"Niha what's up?" Hind asked, as Rana and Zahra chattered over some biology homework. Niha smiled and shook her head, "Nothing, just glad that test went well I suppose"
Hind returned her smile, "Alhamdulillah"
"Who is that?" Rana gaped at someone behind them and Niha already had an idea of who that was. She turned around with Hind and found Laila and Badr- whoops she had to stop calling him that, Youseff, re-entering the cafeteria. It was not a surprise that many heads turned, and also that Youseff was no stranger to the reaction. His look was almost smug as he smoothly made his way between tables and found an empty one, setting his plate down. He was saying something to Laila and she seemed to suppress a smile as she replied.
She said something to him and he nodded at her with a smile, which actually made Rana and Zahra mutter "aww!"
"Hey guys" Laila called as she approached them, "sorry, it's my cousin's first day here"
"Your cousin!" Rana exclaimed, "He is mashaAllah!"
"Astaghfurillah" Hind muttered but she was smiling. Niha knew the feeling- Hind already had a special someone in mind so she didn't see Badr- ugh Youseff- as Rana did. Laila burst out laughing, "really Rana!"
"Seriously" Zahra added, "but hands off- the Muslim brotherhood is here"
They all suppressed grins, watching as Hassan, Talha and the other Muslim boys of the group went up to introduce themselves to an amused looking Youseff. He stood up to accept their handshake thing that boys do which Niha found adorable- it was so cute how boys did that!

Fifteen minutes later they were all seated around Youseff's table, laughing about something as if they'd all known each other forever.
"Wow" Laila observed, raising her eyebrows, "I guess I don't have to worry about B-Youseff fitting in anymore"
"Youseff?" Rana piped in, "also for some reason he really doesn't strike me as Indian"
"He's Lebanese, he's from my dad's side"
Yassin was Lebanese! No wonder he had such features. Speaking of Yassin...Niha checked her phone for the hundredth time, hoping somehow he'd message. She was never going to be the one to initiate a conversation, of course there was nothing right about that islamically but she secretly wished he would.
And indeed it was a lucky hour because a message from him shone on her lock screen, how was the test? Hope it went well! :)
Smiling uncontrollably with her heart almost flying out of her chest, she eagerly typed a reply.


The heavy clouds of rain made the afternoon seem close to evening, lighting cackled across the sky and thunder growled within. Ethan gazed at the scene below where Buria were unloading cargo. This was mainly weapons; blades and guns and a small percentage of explosives among other things. The wind tousled his hair, tearing at it at times as the speed picked up. Beside him stood Harrison, hooded as usual and clad in black. His presence was solidifying, his sharp green eyes fixed on everything and nothing at the same time.

Harrison had a very different story from what Ethan had known of him, and he was slightly in aw of him. Harrison had been training as a Buria initiate for years, all throughout most of high school where Ethan had been concealing his own involvement in the gang until Harrison had been formally initiated in the eyes of the rest of Buria.
He was the equivalent of Badr in he skills and his prime assignment was to eliminate that one well as capture Laila.
"What was the reason they told you" Ethan asked abruptly, breaking the silence. Harrison did not disrupt his overseeing.
"Laila Mohammed" he replied, "why pay so much attention to her? It's her father we want isn't it?"
"You're right" he agreed, "but something Mr Hallows may not have mentioned is Faris Bin Waleed has entitled all of his fortune to his daughter after his death, as well as his bank"
Understanding suddenly dawned on him, "so...we get Laila to sign over all these assets to Buria?"
Harrison seemed to grin, "exactly" he checked his nails, "than ta ta to Mr Faris"
That was a pretty brilliant move on Buria's part he had to say, and soon Badr would be out of the picture...the poison was bound to have taken effect by now. He was told to keep this quiet and so Harrison was not to be told although Ethan itched to tell him.
"That's about it" his friend muttered, "time for new orders"
They descended down the steps to where the men were assembled, ready to go.
"This is all going to the Chrimea mansion directly" Harrison ordered, and Ethan was once again taken aback by the absolute power in his quiet and low voice. No one dared disobey the Green Snake.
"Then return here. We'll have a little fun tonight"
"Fun?" He asked as the men snapped into motion.
"There are some Cedochi kids running around the port, waiting for some shipments. Let us pay them a visit"

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