Chapter 43 (Badr)

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Note: I loved writing this chapter! It is unedited but I hope you enjoy!!! Please comment and let me know what you reckon of my badass Badr.

I woke up to the sound and feel of tires against an uneven road. Although consciousness returned to me I did not open my eyes, inhaling deeply, trying to form a recollection. I knew there was something wrong by the way pain was etched in every inch of my body. It was as though every corner ached. I hadn't felt this bad in a very long time. And when I say long time I mean in years. That was when Bilal and Yassin had been out and I'd-

Bilal and Yassin.


Oh shit.

I suddenly remembered the game, the stupid kid who'd I'd been chasing, the sheer size of the fire he'd set off. Not on water, some kind of very flammable material.
My head throbbed in anger as I thought of how he'd outsmarted me. No, outsmarted wasn't the right word. He'd just gotten lucky. I wouldn't be so lenient next time. If he ever crossed paths with me again I'd make sure I didn't waste my time with pleasantries.

Panic engulfed me as I thought of Laila. I had no idea what the time was and by the sounds of it I was strapped on to a very hard mattress at the back of some truck. What if something had happened to her? What if she was hurt? I thought of how she'd quailed before the gun, she'd never be able to hold her own against armed men. What if the Green Snake had her in his custody? He'd certainly had no obstacle to face. I hadn't even told Bilal about me being there in the first place, and Yassin probably just thought I was running some errand. He'd have messaged though, I thought hopefully, and he'd notice shortly that I wasn't replying.

I was about to open my eyes and take in my surroundings when a young male voice sounded nearby.

"How long do you reckon he'll be out for?"

I froze, my ears acute to every sound.

"I don't know. He's been out for three hours for god's sake I'm sure he'll be up any minute now"
The second voice was deeper, older.

One teenager and one man I noted. Should be easy enough to handle.

"Can you believe it though? We got him, we might even get honorary tattoos" the younger one said gleefully.
Ahhh. So these were Buria after all. Who else would have been stupid enough to pull this off? I tried not to sigh in irritation. Who the fuck did they think they were? How dare they touch me. Had they not learnt from the last hundred times I'd kicked their butts? One episode as Fankour's and they suddenly thought they were at our level.

"You mean we escorted him. None of us were there. I must say I didn't think that boy was very capable of anything much but he must be pretty damn smart"

Pretty damn dumb I thought vehemently, to mess with me.
I felt like a lion in a cage, filled with power, rage and anger and yet unable to get my way. I wanted to break free of these bands strapped across my chest, teach everyone on this damn thing a lesson, and finally go home to rest.

"Looks like we're here" the older guy said, "blind fold him"
"Frank, he's unconscious"
"I don't care. I know the kind of precautions you ought to take with Badr AbdulQadir. Now shut up and do as your told!"
"Okay okay I'm doing it" the younger one grumbled.
I tensed as I heard him approach. He was clearly wearing heavy combat boots judging by his footfalls. I didn't like the idea of him coming anywhere near me but I gritted my teeth and played dead as he tied the cloth around my eyes, his fingers quaking.
"Damn he's scary" he said to no one in particular.
Oh yeah kiddo, I sure am.

Finally the rocking and bumping of tires against gravel stopped. The back of the truck or van or whatever it was opened with a loud groan, and a cool, collected voice floated through.
"Is he awake?"
"No, Mr-"
"No need to address me by my name"
"I assure you sir he's knocked out completely. Hasn't moved an inch since we brought him in"
"Bring him inside, you know where. I want you to remove his shirt too, no food, no water"
If it were possible, steam would have bellowed from my ears. He was going to play boss with me? He had no idea how deep a hole he was digging himself into. While I did not particularly fear any thing he might do to me, I really needed to get out of here and check if my family and Laila were okay.
I'd wanted to see her play so badly, to tease her after the game, to finally have a good banter. I wanted her to yell at me for something, god, she made me laugh.
And yet the whole plan had backfired. I would have finally caught the Green Snake and ended this whole mess if not for this idiot's intervention. It wasn't fair on her. She didn't deserve to be pulled into our politics, our deadly games and yet she'd been made a pawn. For her life was about school, soccer and Allah, and I prayed at that moment to whoever was up there, that He keep her safe in my absence.
For some reason relief washed through me.
Was I insane? Maybe it just felt good leaning on an aspect of your imagination.

I played unconscious even as I was dragged roughly between the too men to wherever we were going, my feet scraping against the gravel. It took all my will to not shout in pain as the wind touched my burns. It hurt like a bitch.
Soon gravel turned to smooth, damp stone and I was taken to what was obviously a cell judging by the slit of one eye that was opened a crack. Two metal cuffs hung from the high ceiling. My hands were attached there and my body suspended. Pain rippled through my now stretched burns.
I didn't move.
I knew when to play smart and when to play safe. I not only wanted to make my escape- no, departure, as memorable as possible, I wanted to learn what I could about these Buria. To say I could do whatever it took to sate my curiosity was an understatement.
Curiosity killed the cat...the strange phrase I'd learnt in grade one English raced through my mind and I suppressed a grin. Not me. Not the lion Badr AbdulQadir.
"You heard him, take off his shirt" The older guy commanded.
My shirt was removed unceremoniously, teared off my body. Hundred dollars gone.
"Wow, he's got quiet a six pack" the younger guy said in awe and I could imagine him gaping. That's right I thought smugly.
"You two may leave for a few minutes" The cold collected voice of the guy from the school filled the cell, "wait at the end of the hall"
Footsteps ensued.

"Badr" he breathed, coming up close, his head half way up my torso, "you thought you were so smart? you thought you could do anything to us and we'd be too scared to retaliate?"
Well yeah.
"You were wrong Badr AbdulQadir, and very soon you're going to figure out how deep you are"
Anger throbbed in my head almost painfully. If I was free right now I would have beaten him to pulp, rearranged his face, and returned him in a tiny package to his house.
"Stern! Frank! Get back here!"
"Yes sir?" The older guy, Frank asked, jogging back.
"Fifty lashes" their boss barked.
Boy has he got guts.
"Shouldn't we wait until he's awake sir?"
"There's no need. I want him to hurt when he is aroused"
The guy stepped back but did not leave. I peered through my lashes ever so slightly. I was in a classic prison cell but the door was open. Stone walls dripped with something all around, and the ground was about 2 feet below my legs.
Stern re entered with the whip, long and wicked looking. What are we in, the Middle Ages? I thought uneasily. I was no fan of pain, but I did have a high tolerance for it. If I could survive bullets in my back I could take lashes. I just needed to lure in someone very close...
The lashes began.
At first it was not as terrible as I'd thought. But that was before they cut across my burns. It took every ounce of my being to remain motionless. My head lolled to the side and my sweaty hair hung over my eyes, giving me time to blink away the dampness in them. With each lash against my chest I grew angrier and angrier.
It was as though a bomb was inside of me and was shivering before explosion. Damn the terrorist reference.
I wasn't going to lie.
It hurt.
Like a bitch.
Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore and my eyes snapped open in anger, and I was sure I looked terrifying judging by how Stern swore. The guy from the school raised an eyebrow, looking unfazed although his hands curled into fists.
"You're awake. Finally" he said in a low voice, motioning Stern aside and stepping closer. Was he not aware my feet were free? Not as smart as you think you are dumbass.
"Good morning" I spat in reply, although my voice came out raspy.
"You should have stayed asleep" he continued as if he hadn't  heard me. His mouth and most of his face was still covered, "it would make everything a lot less...painful"
"This is the first time you're doing this, isn't it?" I sneered, looking down at him.
"Why would you say that?"
"The list is long, but firstly the lashes are always given on the back-" I had the pleasure of seeing him flush slightly, "secondly idiots are not hired as guards, his form is bad and he can't pack power in his blows. Thirdly-"
"Shut up!" He lunged forward, pulling out a flimsy pocket knife.

This was what I'd been waiting for.

With a burst of agility I flipped back, twining my feet around the chains for my arms. He stumbled slightly and I brought my feet back down, locking them around his neck swiftly, raising him up off the ground by a few inches.
"What-the-fuck-" he gasped, his hands scrabbling uselessly against my ankles. I squeezed tighter.
"Release me" I growled to Frank,"now"
"Sir!" Stern cried.
"Release-him-" the boy choked, his face almost purple.
Frank complied and I crashed down, using the boy as my mattress. Standing up I stretched even though every inch of me felt as though it were on fire.
"That's better. Now, let's talk like real men shall we?

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