Chapter 32 (Faris Bin Waleed)

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Note: this is just a very short chapter just so we know what's going on with the parents.

Ruba was in bad shape.
He'd known getting the drug out of her system would be difficult but he didn't expect it to make her condition worse. Doctor Wei Ching had said in order for her to get better she had to get worse.
Of course he hadn't mentioned that to Laila.
Or to Ruba.
But every time he approached her he saw the hopelessness in those eyes, once as hard as iron and now shattered. She was still not completely open to him but he was glad she didn't disregard him completely. Everyday she asked how Laila was and he showed her their daughter's emails. Now he lay in his bed in a room within the hospital, staring up at the ceiling. Memories churned through him as they often did at this time.
He remembered the first time he'd ever seen Ruba, back before she wore the hijab. She'd been tutoring a bunch of first year engineering students in the lab. He remembered gazing at her through the glass pane in the door, curiousity surging through him. She was do beautiful mashaAllah. She was tall and willowy. Her hair was curly and dark brown, almost red in the light. Her skin was golden white, and her eyes a warm brown, her lips cheery red. He'd never guessed she was Indian, not until he heard her ringtone. The thought made him smile. And then he'd approached her after the class-
The door flew open and Faris bolted upright, his hand flying to his pocket where he had a small gun.
But it was just Doctor Wei Ching.
"Faris" he said grimly, pulling his face mask down his chin, and immediately he knew it would be bad news.
"Please Wei Ching tell me it is not what I fear" he whispered, his heart beating very fast. Oh Allah please, please don't send the angel of death today. Not here, not yet.
"It's not that, Faris" the doctor sighed, bowing his head, "Ruba has fallen into coma"

The world froze around Faris in that moment.

Everything meant nothing. His heart was shattering and the shards were piercing his insides.

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