Taking Wing

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A/N: hi everyone! Sorry it's taken me this long to finally write this chapter. I was really busy and I also couldn't find the motivation. This is the final chapter of Good Kid Bad Kid, after which there will probably be really heavy editing and probably a name and cover change. I will also be addressing some parts I forgot about in the plot in this editing time so watch out for those :) I'm happy to continue writing little excerpts here and there if you would like and am open for suggestions. However, my main focus after this is Amatullah which I am DYING to write! So here goes guys! For some it will be disappointing and for others it'll be great. All the same, I hope you will embark on this final journey with enthusiasm ❤️


"Bro do you have a black tie I could borrow?"
"Look at the sick job Rahat did on Yusuf's hair man!"
"Dude your shirt is inside out-"
"I haven't got a bloody tie Abdullah!"
"Boys...boys...settle down..."

Yassin grinned at the chaos in the living room, leaning on the counter with his elbows on the marble. His cousins were trying to get ready in time for Laila and Badr's engagement party, acting as if it was the fashion show of a life time. He was ready of course, dressed in a close fitted Armani suit, his hair styled to perfection. But he was a married man, and Niha's blush when she saw him after getting changed had been priceless. She was busily arranging sweets she had made on a golden platter beside him now, her fingers moving expertly. Invariably his gaze moved from his warring relatives to his beautiful wife, taking her in before she would notice he was staring at her and scold him.

She was wearing a western dress for the first time since their marriage, and she looked stunning. It was a long and coffee coloured, gathering at her waist with a simple satin band and flowing down to her feet. It was all topped off with a dark brown hijab which she had neatly pinned in place. Since Laila and Badr had agreed they wanted the wedding to be in Indian style, they'd settled for the engagement to be western so the AbdulQadirs could organise it. Badr had taken charge, being specific in each tiny detail that it almost drove Hayley (the venue manager) to tears.

The man himself briskly walked down the stairs now, flawlessly buttoning his cufflinks. Yassin smirked. Badr sure knew how to clean up well. He looked like a badass prince, so ready to get engaged it had caused Bilal to give him 'the commitment talk' multiple times. He was met with deafening crows and cheers from his brothers and male cousins.
"Looking sharp bro!"
"Laila's gonna flip-"
Badr grinned as their cousins Abdallah and Hamdan hoisted him up on to their shoulders, cheering as though he'd just won scored the winning goal of a football World Cup.

The ride to the venue was loud and boisterous with a limo full of Lebanese boys. They sure knew how to make some noise- but I wasn't complaining. The excitement of the engagement was pulsating through my veins, coursing through my body like electricity and I had never felt more alive. I couldn't wish for the moment to come sooner and I always found myself stupidly smiling when I thought of what Laila's expression when she saw the place I picked. My heart thudded a little knowing I'm a few days she would be all mine, that we would finally be together without boundaries. I smirked inwardly- no doubt she was positively terrified of that.

"Bro!" Hamdan waved a hand over my eyes drawing my attention back to the present. I blinked then grinned.
I turned to see all the boys staring at me, "what?"
"Dude" Abdullah exclaimed, "you've been sitting there with that stupid smile for the past five minutes!"
Bilal laughed his booming laugh, "y'all single men will understand when the time comes ay Badr?"
I winked, "you know it"
"Hey hey hey" Yousef, one of my other cousins piped in, "just promise you won't act all love struck like Yassin"
"What?!" Yassin spluttered, as we all laughed.
"Hard not to bro" I winked at him, "when you've got a wife like Laila"

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