Chapter 10 (Badr)

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Note: that's Badr kinda in the chapter pic!

It was strange how the sound of tires against a smooth silent road could be calming. My knuckles were white against the steering wheel and every few moments I had to inhale deeply to let in the cool air and calm the flames inside of me.

Those bastards.

I couldn't believe they'd dared do what they'd done, let alone think they could outrun me. Buria were stupid I knew, but this stupid? I had no idea.

Nevertheless that did not erase the fact I'd failed.

Ruba was almost as good as dead.
It had been my job to protect her.

I'd dispatched two Cedochi inside Genesis and two outside at the time. The ones outside had been found drugged unconscious.
Could I not even expect my own guys to hold their own against a bunch of Buria? It seemed so.

I resisted the urge to bang my head against the dashboard.

And now apparently Ms Mohammed junior had taken off down the streets alone.
Yassin had called in a few minutes earlier, just as I'd been getting ready to haul the two bastards out of their exploded car and beat them into pulp.
"The girl, she's gone mad"
"What the-"
"I mean she just left the house, and is currently trying to find a cab. A couple of guys are after her though, I don't think she knows"
"No, just thugs"
"Send Jax and André there, but tell them not to interfere until I come"
"Sure thing little bro"

I pulled up outside the brick building where the troublesome half-family lived. It was nearing ten o'clock and the streets were deserted. I looked up by reflex and found two motorbikes rounding the corner and pulling up next to my car. Jax and André.
"Badr?" Jax said in a questioning tone once I scrolled down my window. No doubt I looked murderous.
"Later. Where did Yassin say she was?"
André squinted at his phone screen, "a couple of blocks away. Downing road"

I had to say, when I found Ms.Mohammed junior completely surrounded with the boys who'd been following her I was not in the least bit surprised.

I parked a block away, told André to stay by our rides and sent Jax on watch from a nearby terrace. The buildings here were under construction, and I climbed up to a half made second floor to watch the scene below, wondering how to go about it.
I could shoot the lot of them, but it was Amu Faris' orders not to fire anywhere near his daughter, and seeing that they were all so close together I couldn't guarantee I wouldn't.

There were five boys in total, two who were holding the girl's arms, three in a semi circle around her. They'd clearly already roughed her up pretty bad, because her shirt was torn and bloody in places. Her expression however, amused me- she didn't look afraid at all. She looked angry.
Her left foot swung around to give the guy standing closest to her a mighty kick in that sensitive place. I had to admit, she had guts because that looked like it hurt. Not that it didn't have consequences. The ringleader slapped her face hard, so hard that I could see the redness that erupted in her cheek. A flare of anger coursed through me. I considered it pretty low to hit a girl.
He hit her again, this time harder but she didn't yell out, instead struggling with more vigor. The next time the guy raised his hand, taking a step closer, she took the opportunity to kick him in the stomach- once, twice, before the two holding her flung her to the ground and pinned her there. From there they crowded around and I couldn't see what was happening except to hear a scream of pain.
That did it.
Anger that was on a whole new level rose inside me, white hot fury enflaming my very heart. How dare they touch my charge? How fucking dare they.
I sprang off the edge of the concrete floor and landed lightly on the grass. They didn't hear or see me and did not notice me until I was right behind them, the light from the street lamp falling on my face. I tapped the nearest guy on the shoulder and he shrugged my hand off not even bothering to see who was behind him.
I didn't like being ignored.
I grabbed his shoulder and flung him with so much force he almost hit the ground had I not caught his collar and smashed my fist into his face. He howled in pain and blood squirted from his nose. I released him in disgust, watching him crumple on to the roadside. By now the rest had noticed and they stared at me utterly dumbfounded. I did not give them time to gang up, instead seizing another one of them by his jacket and whacking away his arms as they scrabbled uselessly against my grip.
"Look at you" I hissed in his ear, "you're so sloppy and untrained. No wonder a girl kicked-your-ass-" with each word I slammed him against the concrete until he lay still, whimpering. When I turned back this time the revolver was in my hand. The rest stood still for a moment, their eyes wide with shock.
One of the guys who'd been restraining the girl swallowed and spoke.
"Listen man-"
"Run" I said coldly, " run fast"
They didn't need telling twice and they turned on their heels and almost flew out of sight.
I wiped my bloody knuckles on my jeans and suddenly remembered what I was supposed to be doing. I turned around.

Ms. Mohammed Junior was not looking very good. The side of her cheek that I could see had an impressive blue bruise growing on it, and blood stained her shirt in many places, and her eyes were puffy and sealed shut.
I crouched down next to her and extended a hand to feel for her pulse on her neck, but it was covered with her navy blue scarf. I felt her wrist instead, wincing at the coldness of it. Maybe I'd overestimated her strength. That thought was banished from my mind as her pulse thrummed through my fingers.

Well. At least I'd managed to keep one person alive today.

My phone beeped, it was Jax.
"Badr you are insane" he said in an exasperated voice.
"I'm assuming you saw the whole show?" I grinned, turning my head up toward the terrace Jax was supposed to be on. Sure enough I caught sight of his descending figure.
"What now?" He asked, "should we take her to the hospital or something?"
I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see, "After I spent the afternoon making sure one injured Mohammed didn't get to the hospital you're saying I should take the second right there?"
"Okay I get it"
"Good. Tell André to bring the convertible, then you two can go home"

After a few minutes of surveying my surroundings for any onlookers I scooped up the girl carefully just as the convertible rolled up.
"You sure you don't want us to come with?"'André asked, stepping out of my car.
I shook my head and opened the passenger seat, carefully sitting the girl down. Making to duck my head back out I suddenly felt something which made me freeze.
Her hands.
On my shirt.
I looked at her for a moment then to my chest where one hand's frail fingers were curled around the fabric weakly. A
mixture of feelings raced through me. Suspicion, amusement, curiousity... and a strange tenderness. I chuckled, taking her fingers off gently and setting them in her lap, "not going anywhere love," I said.

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