Chapter 52 (Yassin)

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Note: a cute thing with Yassin and Niha :)JazakAllah Khair for all your comments and votes. I am extremely grateful! Unedited.


Yassin felt a hell of a lot better on Tuesday 'morning'- it was 2 am. He, Bilal and Badr were comfortably lying in their makeshift beds, watching Barcelona verses some other team in white and green uniforms he don't care about. He didn't really follow the Spanish league- he preferred watching Manchester slay.
Laila was meanwhile studying on the kitchen table and was the reason the sound was turned down. She glanced at them occasionally, sweeping her eyes over them as if making sure they were all okay. He appreciated her mother mode- she didn't let him do anything. The slightest shift, any slightest inclination of him getting up to do anything sent her flying to his side in panic.
It reminded him of those brief hours with Niha.
"Abu you have to give him pain killers look at him!" She cried, slightly hysterical, "he saved my life!"
"Niha calm down, go outside while we are tending to him" her father, Dr Taufeeq, ordered firmly but gently.
"I'm staying right here" she replied in the same tone.
"Fine, watch the process and learn at least"
"JazakAllah Khair Abu"

The memory made him smile. It was brief, because he'd been emerging in and out of consciousness. She'd been so worried about him, it was so sweet! She hadn't even known him so long or well to do that.
He wondered if that would change if she knew who he really was an what he did for a living.
For some reason that made his stomach squirm.
Picking up his phone, Yassin's fingers hovered over her name for the hundredth time in his contact list. She'd taken his when he was leaving the hospital, absolutely furious that Bilal could even think of it in his condition.
"If you feel any pain, dizziness or nausea call immediately"
Well, currently he was feeling none of those but wanted desperately to talk to her. No doubt she was wondering how he was, as he hadn't even take a step out of the house since and Laila told him casually the other day...

"you know, Niha was really worried about you- still thinks you should be in medical care"
"Who?" He spluttered even though he knew exactly who.
"Niha" reminded Laila patiently, "my friend? You were hanging out with-"
"I know" he interrupted, uneasy at that knowing glint in her eye.
"Yeah, anyway, so I told her you're a little weak and obviously still tied down in bed but otherwise doing okay alhamdulillah"
"Thank god" he muttered to himself. At least he didn't sound too bad.

Yassin decided to send her a quick message, knowing she probably wouldn't reply now anyway. His fingers moving fast, before he could rethink his actions again, he sent:

Hey Niha :) how are you? I'm sorry I haven't contacted Dr Taufeeq in a while- all seems to be okay. It's Yassin btw.

She surprised him by replying almost instantly:

Assalamualaikum Yassin! I am good alhamdulillah :) it's good to hear from you. What are you doing awake right now?

I could ask you the same question, Yassin typed back, delighted at her reply, but to answer it, Bilal and Badr are watching Barcelona play

I'm studying, came her reply, we have a calculus test tomorrow and it's really hard apparently. Ooh nice! I don't really follow the football but I know Barcelona's really good!

Hahaha don't let Laila catch you saying that he joked, grinning to himself, oh yeah Laila's up too for that. Don't worry about it too much if you understand the basic concepts you'll be able to do most of the questions :)

Haha you're right Yassin :) anyway time for me to get back to it! Wish Laila luck from me. Shabakhere 😴

Shabakhere Niha Yassin replied, and shut his phone with a contented sigh.
"Laila" he called, "Niha wishes you luck for-"
Shit, he thought as all eyes turned on him.
"What?" Badr said slowly, his eyes narrowed.
"Looks like someone's been talking!" Laila exclaimed excitedly, hurrying over. Badr rolled his eyes but his expression was of fondness, "the one and only girl he's ever been so shy around"
"Aww!" Laila exclaimed, her hand fluttering to her heart. Yassin reddened, feeling as though they weren't going to drop this. How stupid could I get?
"I can see those ears go red little bro" Bilal remarked, looking amused. He turned to Laila, "universal sign Yassin's embarrassed. Haven't seen that since he-"
"OKAY SHE GOT THE POINT" he said loudly and his brothers smirked. Laila giggled and whispered to himso only he could hear, "you really like Niha don't you?"
Did he? No shit.
"I thought so!" She beamed, "well, for the record Yassin I think she likes you too" and with that she left, the mischievous look of a child who'd just done something horrifyingly naughty on her face.

She'd planted a freaking bomb.
In his heart.
I think she likes you too.

Yassin's ears did not return to their normal shade of color until he fell asleep, a smile on his face.

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