Chapter 37 (Badr)

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Note: hahah finally who you've all been waiting for! Hope I don't disappoint. The chapter pic is just there because I want one. No character representation.

It was a mark of how badly trained Buria were by the amount of noise they made when they ran.

The pounding of feet against black concrete told me exactly where the little bastard was and I grinned, hitching up the hood of my jacket and taking off after him, my feet barely touching the ground as I followed him, much less noisy.

He was scrawny and blond, but this was no initiate. He was the Yassin of Buria, and he'd been operating in the same hotel I was staying in. What a stroke of luck.
Jax had sniffed him out in the diner where he'd been boasting to another girl about his high position. Boasting was never a good idea.

Except if you were Badr AbdulQadir.

Jax managed to track him down as he was packing his bags but the bastard had gotten away. That's where I came in pursuit.

Now he sprinted hard out, his heavy breathing could be heard all the way across the dark street. I slipped sideways into a smaller allyway, knowing it would take me alongside him and he'd never know.
Sure enough, when I emerged from the other end he almost ran headlong into my chest. Before he realized his mistake I caught him by the collar, holding him up off the ground.
"Who the hell are you and why are you following me?" He hissed, his blue eyes narrowed, "I don't have anything for you"


I threw him back down and he groaned in pain, his head slamming against the concrete.
"Maybe this will remind you who we are" I pulled back the sleeve of my right hand and held up my wrist so he could see the crescent dagger of Cedochi. His eyes widened and he tried to scrabble away but to no avail- there was no where to go, and Jax was leaning against his motorbike across the road, his sharp eyes fixed on us.
"You better sit still little one" I growled, pushing him into a sitting position in front of me, "and tell me what I want to know"
The guy glared at me and I was annoyed by his lack of fear. Did he know what kind of position he was in? Stupid Buria.
"I don't know what you're talking about" he spat, "I'm not on your turf"
"If you're on earth you're on our turf" I replied coolly, "so I think that makes for the first point. The second is Laila Mohammed. Does that name ring a bell for you?"
It did, apparently. I did not miss the flag of recognition in his eyes and wisely, he didn't even deny it.
"There's a bounty on her head" he replied, shrugging, "everyone wants it"
"That doesn't explain the episode in Fankour"
"What episode?" He looked genuinely bewildered, and I wanted to scream in frustration. I grabbed him again and pulled him close so that our faces were almost touching. Sweat broke out on his forehead but I didn't care.
"I-I d-don't know wh-what you're t-talking about-"
"Then we're done here"
"Badr, wait"
Jax walked up to us with his cat like grace, narrowing his eyes in disgust at the guy before looking back at me.
"Don't forget why we're here" he said quietly. I pulled out my gun and pressed it to his forehead, fierce pleasure running through me as the guy trembled from head to foot and squeezed his eyes shut.
Jax leaned in close.
"We want to know who the guy with a fucked up face is" he said in a dangerously low voice, "and we know you know who he is"
"I can't tell you who he is" the guy whispered, opening his blue eyes where there was real fear, "he's dangerous"
"I know" Jax replied with false tranquility in his tone, "but we need to know who he is and what he wants, and we'd like you to tell us"
He was silent for a moment. I cocked the gun.
"Okay okay! I'll tell you!" He cried, "it's this guy everyone calls him the Green Snake- he's lethal and he's been tracking Laila Mohammed for months"
"Months..." I churned the word around my mind, "so he's the one...he was in Arizona before coming here wasn't he?"
The guy shook his head, "I- I don't know. He has his own team- they must have attacked Fankour last week"
"We caught most of his elite team" Jax snickered.
It looked like our work was done. This guy didn't have much more to tell us evidently, and I knew exactly who to look for. This Green Snake was going to stay here as long as Laila did. He was probably going to replace his team too...but I wanted to interrogate each member about this guy.

Now, what to do with blondy?

I raised my gun and took a step back for good measure, eyeing him thoughtfully. His eyes widened and his breathing came out in loud gasps. His heart had few beats left until I stopped it.
On what basis do you think you can decide who should live and who should die?!
I blinked.
Laila's words resounded in my head as though she was right there. I could feel those liquid brown eyes on me and a rush of warmth filled my mind. Laila...who'd have thought I'd ever miss you?
"Please! I'll do anything! Please don't shoot me-"
"I'm not going to" I find myself saying, much to my surprise and Jax'. He cocked an eyebrow at me.
"But I have a message for your Green Snake" I said slowly, drawing out my pocket knife.

When it was done we sent the guy fleeing back to his Buria bosses and made our way back to the Langham.
"That's the first time I've ever seen you let our enemy get away" remarked Jax once we reached our room. It was my turn to raise an eyebrow.
"I let him go- for now"
Jax grinned, "that's more like it"
My phone vibrated in my pocket- text from Yassin probably. Sure enough when I pulled it out it was.
Remind me again why you thought it was a good idea to bing Bilal here? He's crazy
I grinned, imagining how many arguments Laila and Bilal must have had by now.
Tomorrow it's Laila's football game at the school. I'll be going, so will Bilal. Will you come? Whoever wrote that message has to be there
I replied as fast as I possibly could.
I'll be there. Don't tell anyone.

Perhaps this was it. I was going to catch the fool who'd dared touch Laila and teach him a lesson.
And this time, I was going to decide who got to live and who got to die.

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