Chapter 46 (Laila)

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Note: JazakAllah Khair to everyone who has kept up with this adventure till date! I am extremely grateful for you :) we finally reached 100 comments and I wanted to say THANK YOU!! Your input means the world to me, I love to see your thoughts! Unedited.

Bilal and I teamed up.
He brought down a couple of mattress from guest rooms, so that we could all stay huddled in one spot. I arranged the bedding, making everything as comfortable as possible. We worked in silence as Yassin was asleep. After that Bilal brought a knocked out Badr downstairs and laid him out on his bed under which I'd put a plastic sheet- I didn't think blood was removable.
"Do you know where my first aid kit is?" Bilal asked me. I shook my head. He sighed tiredly, "I'll get it"
I hurried to the kitchen and turned on the kettle for hot water, readied some soft cloths for sponging and then snatched a piece of cake for my growling stomach. Judging by the heat radiating off Badr he probably had a fever, not to mention we had to get that grime off him.
"Laila?" Bilal called, "I've just talked to Doc- he's told me what to do, could you help me though?"
"Of course!" I sprang out of my seat and followed him back to Badr and Yassin.
"He needs stiches, but we ought to clean him up first with antiseptic"
"Is someone coming to do the stiches?" I asked, feeling uneasy. I'd never had stitches before in my life, but they sounded painful. Bilal winked and grinned, "I'm pretty apt at it myself"
"What?" I exclaimed, "are you kidding?"
"No!" He laughed, "I actually can!"
"Wow" was all I could say. I was impressed!
"I'll get him to a hospital tomorrow morning though, right now wouldn't be wise"
"How do you know which hospital you can go to and which not?" I enquired curiously. Bilal's smug look deepened.
"The ones owned by Cedochi are safe"
Woah. How up there was Cedochi?!

Bilal gave me instructions on how to clean up the wounds before they could be stitched. We worked together, but every time my hand would accidentally touch Badr's rock hard chest I'd feel my face grow hot.
And when his eyes fluttered open, I lost it. I jerked back in fright, thoroughly mortified.
"Relax Laila" Bilal chuckled. He turned back to his brother, his expression softening, "How are you feeling habibi?"
Badr's eyes seemed to tune into focus, as their vacant look vanished. The corners of his mouth tilted up in a weak smile, "like hell" he rasped. Bilal's smile disappeared and he looked truly on the verge of tears.
"Finish off, I'll get stitching supplies" he said to me gruffly before exiting the room.
I picked up my antiseptic applying cloth thing and hovered uncertainly above a now very wide awake Badr. He seemed to be smirking at my discomfort.
"Er" I began, "good morning? It is one a.m"
"Why good morning to you too Mohammed Junior"
"Stop calling me that" I muttered but warmth rushed through me when he called me that. I cleared my throat and took my seat beside him, still unsure of how to go about it seeing as his gaze was locked on me.
He started laughing after a minute of me unable to start.
"Careful!" I exclaimed worriedly as laughter turned to violent coughs.
"Laila-just-do-it-" Badr wheezed, his eyes tearing up slightly.
My hands shaking slightly I resumed cleaning up around his whip lashes. I could feel his eyes on me, deep and dark at this hour. At times my hand trembled, especially when gasps of pain escaped him.
"I'm sorry!" I whimpered the tenth time that happened, tears filling my eyes.
"It's-fine-" he managed, cracking a ghost of a smile.
I finally got to the last one. It was snaking over his shoulder so I had to be careful with it. His skin felt so warm under my fingers, smooth where it was not teared open, hard and packed with muscle I didn't know was there. I felt as though I was dealing with a lion who, despite his wounds, was ready to attack at any moment. I sneaked a glance at him and found his eyes were now closed, their lashes sending shadows down his cheeks.
"Badr?" I asked, panicky he'd passed out. There was a moment of silence, then one eye opened, gazing up at me in amusement.
"Oh, sorry" I said sheepishly, "I thought you'd passed out"
"I'm just enjoying this" he replied, and I noticed there was no trace of that wheezing anymore. What happened to it?
"How could you be enjoying this?" I asked incredulously.
Badr laughed a soft laugh, his chest vibrating, "Laila, you are so naive"
"So?" I was defensive.
"Nothing. It's cute"
Even though I tried hard not too, I blushed.

When everything was absolutely sanitized I went to find Bilal, wondering what was taking so long. I found him on the third floor balcony, not a place I'd visited at all before. It was a beautiful view that you saw, spreading beyond my father's beautiful gardens and on to the twinkling lights of the city. I could only imagine how spectacular a sunrise would be from here.
Bilal was looking out to the horizon, seeming deep in thought. It was freezing and yet he wore a thin half sleeved shirt and track pants. I could see a tattoo of a wicked looking dagger curling around his upper arm. It looked beautiful...and haram.
"Um Bilal?" I asked timidly, "I've cleaned everything up, would you like to start?"
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He sighed, turning to me.
I was taken a little aback but I nodded, my head inclined to listen.

"I never wanted any of this for my brothers" he began, and I could see he'd been crying, "but my father was arrested when I was 10. We had to move out of our mansion and were forced to a tiny apartment. I hated it, but soon we were offered training and money from Cedochi and in return they'd take care of our schooling and all. There was no better option at the time, so I complied. My mother didn't know well until I had finished highschool. By this time Yassin and little Badr were also in training. We lied to our mom about me taking a part time job and my brothers in tutoring sessions. She thought the money was coming from my job and she had no idea about Yassin and Badr, because they were quite smart and the story was believable.
One day Buria men found our apartment. I was not home, nor was Yassin, only Badr. He was what, 10? 11? The men came in and knew my mother was married to a Cedochi although of course she had no idea about all this. They were going to rape her but Badr, little Badr! He shot all of them. His first blood, bloods even, before he was a man. I don't know where he found my gun, but he did it without any hesitation. When I came home he was trying to calm my mother down, but she had lost it. Completely. She was afraid of us, her own sons. And it was all my fault." His voice broke and his shoulders shook as he cried. My eyes were hot and tears spilled down.
"Oh Bilal..." my heart was literally breaking. I patted his back awkwardly and made him sit down.
"Listen" I told him, my voice shaking as I held back sobs, "you did what you had to do and you can't change that now. But have a choice now right? You can change this if you want"
"How?" He whispered.
"You could leave Cedochi no, hear me out!" I rushed on, "you could return to uni- that's your unfinished dream I know! You loved what you did! Yassin would be in demand in the computer industry"
"And Badr?"
"I'm not sure" I admitted. Badr's talent seemed to be quite Cedochi orientated. I shook my head, "we can talk about this later, we ought to get him sorted"
Bilal gave me a smile, "thanks Laila, you're right we should get back"
I worried my words about leaving this gang had gone right over his head but I forced a worry-less smile.
"No worries"

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