Chapter 3: Beach

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Chapter 3: Beach

Brielle's POV

*One Week Later*

I pulled on my black swim cover-up and tightened my ponytail. I walked out to the living room and slipped on my flip flops.

"Another date with Andy?" Sienna asked from the couch.

"We are not dating. This is not dating. We are two friends, just going to the beach together." I said.

"Mhmm, sureee." She said, leaning back on the couch. There was a knock at the door and I started walking to open it. "If he asks you out tonight, you owe me $50."

"Oh my god, Sienna!" I groaned and then opened the door to see Andy standing in front of me in black swim trunks and a black t-shirt. 

"Hey Andy." I smiled.

"Hey, you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yup." I said, making sure to grab my keys this time and heading out the door. We walked down the stairs and to the car. We got in and he drove us to the beach. We parked, grabbed what we needed, and headed to the sand. We found an empty spot and set out our towels. I took off my swim cover to reveal my blue bikini. I dropped my swim cover onto my towel and felt eyes on me. I looked to see Andy looking me up and down. He noticed that I saw him looking and he quickly shifted his gaze. I smiled a little bit to know that my body catches his attention like that.

"Let's go." I said, walking towards the beach. I grabbed Andy's hand and ran with him to the ocean. We crashed into the waves, letting the water come up to our shoulders. We floated around in the water, talking about different things here and there. A silence fell upon us as we tried to think of what else to talk about. I let a smirk creep onto my face before I splashed him. He gasped and splashed me back. We started splashing each other back and force, our laughter louder than the sound of water splashing.

The fun was interrupted by a wave knocking me off of my feet. I felt hands around my waist as Andy stood me back up. We stood still, the water moving around us as his hands stayed on my waist and we looked into each other's eyes. He chewed on his lip and my heart fluttered a bit. Suddenly, he crashed his lips into mine. Fireworks went off in my brain and my heart soared as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I had never had a kiss that felt like this before, so right. We pulled away and looked back into each other's eyes.

"I-I'm ready to go back to the towels." I said with a small giggle, pulling my arms away.

"Let's go." He said, taking his hands off my waist. We walked out of the water and he grabbed my hand as we walked back to our towels. When we got to our spot, he let go and we laid down. I slipped on my sunglasses and laid on my back, feeling the warmth of the sun drying my skin.

Once we were dry, we decided to go home. We packed up our stuff and walked to the car. We got in and drove in silence to my apartment. We hadn't spoken much since the kiss. I don't think either of us knew what to make of it. We got to my apartment and he walked me up the stairs.

"Sooo." I said, letting my voice trail off. I knew we needed to talk about the kiss before we parted ways.

"Look Brielle, I really like you." He said, chewing on his lip again.

"I really like you too Andy." I said with a small smile. He reached down and grabbed my hands, taking a moment to look at his feet before looking back into my eyes.

"I know we've just been kind of hanging out, but I'd like to take you on an official date."

"I would like that." I said.

"Great. I'll, uhm, reach out to you with plans."

"I'll be waiting." I smiled. He leaned down and kissed me again. I kissed him back, the fireworks going off again. We pulled apart, smiles on both of our faces.

"Bye Brielle."

"Bye Andy." I said. I opened my door and walked inside my apartment, closing the door behind me. I leaned against the door and let out a content sigh, closing my eyes and replaying the kiss in my head.

"Alright, what happened?" Sienna asked. My eyes snapped open and she was standing at the end of the hallway. "Don't lie and say nothing." She warned, shaking her finger at me.

"We kissed." I said.

"Oh my god! Did he ask you out?" She asked, running up to me.

"We're going on an official date. We're not like, going out or anything yet."

"What! Ugh, you guys are moving so SLOW!" She whined.

"Sienna, I haven't even known him for a month! The kiss just kind of happened." I shrugged.

"Well, tell me all about it." She said, sitting on the couch and patting the spot next to her. I sat down and played with my fingers.

"We were in the ocean and he had picked me up after a wave knocked me off of my feet. Before I knew it, we were kissing. It-it was like fireworks went off in my brain. It was magical, exactly how they lead you to believe kisses are supposed to be in movies. We kissed again before he left and I felt the fireworks again."

"Bri, you're in love." Sienna said.

"What? No! I just reminded you that I barely know him!"

"Love doesn't need time." She smiled, shaking her head. "I swear, if you let this man slip through your fingers, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Lock him down, Brielle!" She said, causing me to smile.


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