Chapter 91: Baby's First Concert
Andy's POV
*One Month Later*
"MY BABY!" I exclaimed as I raced up to my parents. I grabbed Madi from my mom's arms and held her close. "Oh my god, daddy missed you so much," I cooed, feeling tears come to my eyes from the overwhelming happiness I felt. I rested her on my hip and she let out a squeal, reaching her tiny hands out to me. I looked and noticed my mom had dressed her in a black onesie with a white BVB logo on the front of it.
"My number one fan," I chuckled, tickling her belly, making her giggle. I smiled and kissed her forehead before finally turning my attention to my parents.
"Hi," I greeted them, causing them to laugh.
"Hi," my mom said, hugging me. My dad hugged me next and then I greeted Brielle's parents who were standing behind my parents.
Today was our LA show and my parents, along with Brielle's parents, had brought Madi to her first concert. My parents just flew in yesterday and Brielle's parents were flying home tomorrow. Since there was an overlap, all four of them decided to show up to the concert. My parents love attending Black Veil Brides shows and Brielle's parents wanted to come because it reminded them of Brielle. Brielle always loved going to our concerts, so it helped them feel close to her.
We had already done sound check and VIP, and we went on stage in about 2 hours. They had arrived early so we could grab some dinner. We made our way to the restaurant and were seated. We ordered drinks, looked through the menu, and then ordered food.
"So Andy, how has tour been?" Brielle's mom asked.
"Fine, I really missed being out on the road and performing, so it's nice to get to do that every night. The fans have been so wonderful and I am almost guaranteed to cry every night at VIP with the kind words of condolences the fans share with me."
"Have you adjusted to being without Madi?" my mom asked.
"No," I chuckled, glancing over at my daughter who was playing with the paper placemat that was in front of her. "I miss her every single night. Video calls help but don't do this justice," I said as I rubbed my finger along her arm.
"Well, as we've told you, she's been fine. She does miss you, but she's easily distracted when she gets upset. She's been an angel." Brielle's mom said.
"As expected," I smiled, running my fingers through the little bit of blonde hair that was growing on her head.
We continued talking as we ate. We paid and then went back to the venue. I led mine and Brielle's parents to where they would be watching the show.
"One minute," I said, rushing to my dressing room. I pulled something out of my bag and ran back over to them.
"Your princess crown," I said to Madi as I placed a pink pair of noise cancelling earphones over her ears. Madi gave me a weird look, putting her hands on the earphones and frowning. "It's okay, they're protecting your ears," I cooed to her, kissing her forehead. I said goodbye and went to my dressing room to get ready.
I ran off the stage during the guitar solo of In The End and over to my parents. I grabbed Madi and ran back onstage, dancing around the stage with her for the rest of the guitar portion. I put the microphone back up to my mouth and jumped back into singing, continuing to dance around with Madi. My heart swelled as I held my two favorite things, my career and my daughter. I glanced over at Madi who had the most confused look on her face, which made me almost break into laughter.
The song ended and the crowd erupted into cheers. I threw my microphone hand into the air, standing there, holding Madi close to me. I smiled out into the crowd as the fans went crazy.
"Everyone say hi to my daughter Madi!" I said into the microphone and I heard a resounding "HI MADI!" from the crowd. I smiled and kissed her nose, grabbing one of her hands and making her fist pump the air. "GOODNIGHT LOS ANGELES!" I said, walking off the stage.
"Andy, that was such an amazing show!" my mom said, hugging me.
"Thanks," I said.
"Andy, that tribute to Brielle was beautiful," her mom said.
"Thank you, the songs get slightly easier to sing every night, but I still tear up."
"You are doing such a good job at raising Madi, being a good father, and honoring Brielle," her mom said. I blinked away tears, her words meaning so much to me.
"That means so much, thank you," I said, hugging her. I handed Madi to my mom so I could grab my things from the dressing room. I dropped my bag off at the bus and then walked mine and Brielle's parents to the car.
"Bye Madi, I promise I will see you so soon," I said, holding her close and placing a big kiss on her cheek. I strapped her into her car seat and gave her one more kiss on the forehead. "I love you," I said as I backed out of the car. I closed the door and I heard her start to cry, my heart breaking in two. I quickly said goodbye to mine and Brielle's parents so I could go to my bunk and be alone for the night.
"God, who knew leaving her the second time would be worse," I chuckled.
"She'll be okay," my mom smiled as she placed her hands on my shoulders. I nodded and quickly walked back to the bunk. I stripped to my boxers and cried myself to sleep in my bunk.
*Two Months Later*
I scanned the baggage carousel area for Brielle's parents and Madi. I finally caught glimpse of her dad and pushed through people as I ran down the escalator. Once I reached the tile floor, I sprinted to them.
"MY GIRL!" I yelled, grabbing Madi from Brielle's mom's arms. I held her close and covered her face in kisses. "Oh my god, I missed you so much," I said, hugging her tightly. Once I had said my hello's to Madi, I gave Brielle's parents a hug.
"Welcome home Andy," Brielle's mom said.
"Thank you," I said, resting Madi on my hip. I looked over at her and ran my fingers through her blonde hair which had grown longer since I had seen her two months ago.
"You are getting so big, stop growing!" I said, making her giggle. Who knew a baby would grow so much in two months. I just couldn't believe how much she had changed in the last 2 months. I video called every day, but some things just don't translate over a camera. My bag popped out onto the carousel and I grabbed it. We went out to the car and Brielle's dad put it in the trunk for me while I strapped Madi into her car seat.
"Daddy's not leaving again for a long time, I promise. I missed you so much," I said, kissing her nose.
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