Chapter 34: Sick
Brielle's POV
*One Month Later*
"I'm starting to get worried." Andy said, sitting next to me on the bed and pushing the small strands of hair that had fallen out of my ponytail.
"It's just the flu." I said, shaking my head. I had been sick for a week, throwing up, barely able to get out of bed.
"Bri, you can barely leave the bed. You can't keep anything down. At the very least, you're getting dehydrated. Please let me make you a doctor's appointment."
"Andy, I'm fi-"
"No you're not Brielle. Don't make me call Sienna." He threatened.
"Fine, make a doctor's appointment. You'll be the one to cancel it and pay the fee when I'm better before the appointment." I said.
"Thank you." He smiled, kissing my forehead and then standing. "Oh my god, Brielle, you are burning up!"
"Again, the flu! I'm fine!" I insisted. In all honestly, I felt like shit. This is the sickest I've ever been. He grumbled and left the room, digging his phone out of his pocket.
I shot up in bed, the worst pain in my stomach ripping me from my sleep. I screamed from the pain, causing Andy to jump about a foot in the air.
"What? What's going on?" He panicked, turning on his lamp.
"I-I" I tried, but the pain was too great. I clutched my stomach, tears streaming down my face.
"I'm taking you to the hospital." He said, jumping out of bed. He pulled on a pair of sweats and a random T-Shirt before coming to my side and pulling the covers off of me. He scooped me into his arms and carefully, but quickly, carried me down the stairs. He slid on a pair of shoes and grabbed his keys. He left the house, locking the door behind him, before carrying me to the car. He laid me down in the backseat, and hopped into the driver's seat. He turned on the car and pulled out of the driveway. He sped the entire way to the hospital while I cried in pain in the backseat.
We got to the hospital and Andy whipped into a parking spot. He jumped out of the car and picked me back up, running me into the emergency room.
"Help! Please!" He begged. "My fiancé needs help!" I could hear the panic in his voice.
"Sir, calm down. Please tell us what is going on." The nurse tried to calm him.
"I-I don't know. She's been sick all week and she woke up screaming in pain. I-I think it's her stomach but she can't speak. Just-just please help her!"
"Okay." The nurse said, still trying to use a calm voice with him. "What is her name?"
"Brielle Adams." Andy answered. They brought over a wheelchair and Andy sat me in it. As soon as I touched the wheelchair, I finally passed out from the pain, getting a moment of peace.
Andy's POV
I pulled away from Brielle as I sat her in the wheelchair and her body went limp, her screams stopping.
"Oh my god! What-what happened?" I panicked, looking at the nurse. She grabbed Brielle's wrist and felt for her pulse.
"I think she just passed out from the pain. We're going to take her back and run some tests. We will send someone out to update you as soon as we know anything." She reassured me, pushing the wheelchair through the double doors to the rest of the emergency room. I sat on an empty chair in the waiting room, putting my head in my hands.
"Damnit!" I hissed under my breath, stomping my foot. Tears finally streamed from my eyes, my body racking with sobs as I started to lose control of myself. I tugged on my hair, wanting to scream. Wanting it all to be over. Wanting Brielle to be okay. Wanting to turn back time and taking her sickness more seriously. I stood up and walked out of the waiting room, walking down the sidewalk a bit. I screamed as loud as I could, kicking the wall. I clenched and unclenched my fists, trying to take deep breaths to calm me down. I was pissed. I was sad. I was scared. Terrified.
I finally calmed myself down and walked back into the waiting room. I was headed for an empty chair when I heard a voice.
"Sir." I picked up my head to see a nurse at the reception desk holding out a clipboard. I walked up to her and took it. "Fill this out please." She said. I grabbed it and a pen from the cup on the desk. I went to sit down and started filling out all of Brielle's information that I knew. I was proud that I knew most of it, besides her family history. I turned in the clipboard and went back to sit down. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. 1:34 am. I debated calling someone, but I didn't want to bother anyone. What if this was nothing and then I worry people for nothing? But, what if this was something serious like cancer?
I sat with my own thoughts for about 10 minutes, my stomach ties in knots.
"Family of Brielle Adams?" I jumped up and rushed over to the doctor who had walked into the waiting room.
"Hi, I'm her fiancé, Andy Biersack." I introduced myself.
"Mr. Biersack, let's take a seat." He said, pointing to a secluded area with chairs. My stomach dropped as we walked over and took a seat. "Were you aware that your fiancé was pregnant?" He asked.
"N-No." I said, clearing my throat. "Was?"
"I'm afraid the pain and the other symptoms she was experiencing this week were due to an ectopic pregnancy. Brielle's body implanted a fertilized egg in her fallopian tube. The fallopian tube has burst, which is what caused the severe abdominal pain. We are rushing her into emergency surgery to repair the tube."
"O-Oh my god, is she going to be okay?" I asked, pushing my hair out of my face.
"The surgery should only take an hour. We won't know how much damage there is until we get in there. We are going to do everything we can." He reassured me.
"Please, do whatever you need to do to save her."
"I just need you to sign these consent forms." He said, handing me a clipboard. I quickly signed and handed it back to him. "We will update you as soon as there is news." He said, standing up and leaving the waiting room. I took a deep, shaky breath, trying to wrap my head around all of the information that was just dumped on me.
"Please be okay, Brielle." I cried, putting my head in my hands as I bounced my knee.
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Beautiful Pain (An Andy Biersack Love Story) {1} [Completed]
FanfictionBrielle Adams meets Andy Biersack at a Bengals game after he spills a drink on her. Unfortunately, this was the girl he was looking at more than the game, amazed at her enthusiasm for football. He takes her to buy a new shirt where they get to talk...