Chapter 50: The Andy Show

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Chapter 50: The Andy Show

Brielle's POV

*One Month Later*

"Hello and welcome to The Andy Show! I'm Andy!"

"And I'm Joe!" Andy's cousin said cheerfully to the camera.

"Today we are joined by my lovely wife, Brielle." He said, gesturing to me.

"Hello." I said nervously, even though it was just a camera. Andy had convinced me to come onto his podcast.

"If you missed it, I got married two months ago."

"It was nice." Joe added.

"So, she's stuck with me forever." Andy laughed. "So Brielle, how does it feel to be my wife?" Andy asked.

"Fine." I shrugged.

"Lammeeee!" Joe exclaimed.

"You're nice. You're funny, you keep me laughing. You're constantly making up silly little songs. You're so creative. It's never boring in the house."

"Well thank you babe." He smiled. "I would ask you what you've been up to, but I kind of know because, well, we live together. He said, causing me to laugh. We talked a bit more until we moved into our game.

"Today, we are going to play Crocodile Dentist! The idea of the game is you push one tooth down at a time until it snaps shut on your hand." Andy explained, pushing down one tooth at a time until the plastic toy closed on his hand. "The loser will get hit in the face with a Nerf gun, as always."

He reset the crocodile and then we all looked around. We decided that Andy would go first and he pushed the first tooth down. The crocodile's mouth stayed open so he passed it to Joe. Joe pushed a tooth down and it stayed open, so he passed it across the table to me. We kept pushing the teeth down, passing the toy around, getting more and more nervous as the game went along. Finally, Joe triggered the mouth to close on his hand.

"Well Joe, you lost, switch seats with Brielle." I stood up and Joe sat in my seat. Andy cocked the gun back and shot Joe, hitting him in the forehead. We all laughed and then the gun was handed to me. I cocked it back and aimed, hitting him in the forehead.

"Okay Brielle, now it's just me and you." Andy said as we took our seats back.  We pushed the toy back and forth between ourselves until it finally slammed shut onto my hand.

"DAMNIT!" I exclaimed.

"Get ready Brielle." Joe laughed.

"No! I'll take her place!" Andy insisted.

"Andy, no. I'm a big girl, I can take it." I laughed. Joe cocked the gun back and aimed at me.

"I'll save you!" Andy shouted, jumping in front of me, the nerf bullet hitting him in the back.

"Andy!" I exclaimed.

"I can't let you get shot." He said with a smile.

"Well now you have to take your turn." Joe said, handing the Nerf gun to Andy.

"I-I can't shoot my wife!"

"Andy, it's a little foam bullet. I'll be fine. I lost, I'll take my punishment fair and square." I insisted.

"Okay." He sighed, picking up the gun and cocking it back, aiming it at me. He shot it, the nerf bullet hitting my boob.

"No! Your tit!" He cried out.

"Andy!" I laughed.

"I love those." He said, pouting as I rolled my eyes.

"Look, I survived." I laughed.


"So, your experience on my show wasn't horrible, right?" He asked as we drove home.

"No, I actually had a lot of fun." I smiled.

"Told you!" He sang, leaning over and kissing me at a red light.


Another short filler chapter!

Video reference above

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