Chapter 62: Tour

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Chapter 62: Tour

Brielle's POV

*One Month Later*

"I don't want to tell anyone yet." I told Andy as we sat at our gate. We were leaving for tour, flying to the first venue. I was a month pregnant and was lucky to not have many symptoms yet. Instead of morning sickness, it was nausea, which I'll take. I have anti-nausea meds to help control it so I'm not miserable most of the time.

"That's fine." He said, rubbing my knee. We had been wanting this baby for so long, I was terrified to tell anyone. I hadn't even told Sienna because I was concerned about the possibility of a miscarriage. Andy keeps trying to reassure me, but it's no use. I think I'll be scared until I have a healthy baby in my arms. My due date was in February and it felt so far away. 

"Hey guys!" CC exclaimed as he walked up to the gate.

"Hey CC!" I smiled, standing up to hug him.

Andy was concerned about me going on tour after we found out I was pregnant. I reassured him by telling him I wasn't even supposed to have my first appointment until I was almost 3 months pregnant. Considering I would be into my 3rd month by the time we got off tour, it made him feel better.

We were finally able to board the plane and we got settled into our seats. I ended up napping on the plane. One symptom I've been having is I'm tired all the time.

"Bri, wake up." Andy said, gently shaking me awake. "We landed." He said.

"Okay." I mumbled, stretching my limbs.

"Did you have a good nap?" He chuckled and I nodded sleepily. We got off the plane and stood at baggage claim with the guys. We got our bags and made our way out of the airport. Their tour manager met up with us and took us to the bus. We got on and claimed our bunks, sitting in the lounge and waiting for Lonny's plane to land. He joined us about thirty minutes later and then we were on the way to the venue.

As soon as we got the venue, the guys immediately had to go to soundcheck. I agreed to go with Andy even though I was still so tired. I didn't want to cause the guys to be suspicious so I was trying to hide as many of my symptoms as possible. After soundcheck, we went to lunch and hung out in the lounge until the guys started getting ready for VIP. We walked into the venue and I retreated to a corner to wait for Andy. I guess I ended up falling asleep because the next thing I remember was Andy standing over me.

"Babe, wake up." He whispered, gently shaking me.

"Huh?" I asked, looking around.

"You fell asleep." He said with a small smile. "It's time for dinner."

"Okay." I nodded, holding out my hands so he could pull me to my feet. We went to dinner and then the guys went to their dressing rooms in the venue to get ready.

"Are you sure you don't want to go sleep on the bus during the show?"

"Of course not, I love watching you perform."

"Well you look tired." He laughed.

"What makes you say that?

"The fact that you are laying on the couch and talking to me with your eyes closed."

"Oh Andy." I sighed. "I'm so tired!" I whined.

"Oh honey." He chuckled, coming over to me and kneeling down. "You're growing a human." He said, placing his hand on my flat stomach. "That's exhausting! If you need to stay on the bus, that's okay."

"Not tonight." I said, shaking my head. "Not the first show."

"Okay, as long as you're sure." He said, placing a kiss on my forehead and then my stomach. He stood back up and continued getting ready. Once he was ready, we walked out of the dressing room and he started doing his warm-ups. 

Their intro song began and they ran out one at a time, Andy running out the last. I sat through the first song, singing along, but couldn't seem to keep my eyes open. I stood up for the second song and tried to get my body moving. I tried dancing, I tried jumping around, but that was short lived when I felt like I was going to lose my dinner. I quickly sat back down and tossed my head back, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. I put my hand on my stomach, trying to get it to calm down. 

I watched the rest of the show from my seat, forcing myself to stay awake. They ran off the stage and Andy hurried over to me.

"Hey, you good?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm just so tired." I said, physically holding my eyes open.

"Well let's get you to the bus." He smiled, kissing me. He grabbed my hand and led me to the bus. "Go ahead and get some sleep, I'll join you soon." He said, giving me a hug as I pulled out pajamas. I slid them on and then climbed into the bunk. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said as we kissed. He closed the curtain and I heard his footsteps walking away as I drifted to sleep.


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