Chapter 71: Nursery

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Chapter 71: Nursery

Brielle's POV

The next day, Andy and I went shopping at a few different stores with our parents for baby furniture. We hadn't bought anything for the nursery yet, so we essentially filled the car with boxes and bags. It was mostly my mom and I looking around, Amy giving her opinion here and there. Our dads and Andy followed us around, talking amongst each other. I would ask for Andy's opinion, but he didn't really have one. Whatever I picked out, he was happy with.

We checked out and drove home, Andy's bandmates meeting him at the house. The guys had come over to help build and move furniture. The guys carried everything up to the room and I stood in the middle. I explained to them where I had envisioned everything going, knowing it was very likely that I would change my mind once everything was built.

"We'll be downstairs," I said cheerily, walking down the stairs. My mom had made lunch for everyone so I sat down with my mom, Andy's mom, and the other wives. We talked amongst ourselves, hearing laughter or groans of frustration from upstairs every now and then. The girls helped me put baby clothes on hangers that I had spent all morning washing. As soon as the guys were done, we'd be putting the clothes in her closet.

"Okay, we're done," Andy announced from the top of the stairs a few hours later. I stood up, followed by the rest of the girls, going up the stairs and into the nursery. I smiled, looking around the room at the pieces of furniture I had picked out.

Against the back wall, directly across from the door, was a white crib. All that was inside was a mattress with a pink, floral sheet. Adjacent to the crib was the matching, white changing table with storage galore. In the corner was a brown, plush, rocking chair. In the middle of the floor was a pink circle rug. There was a white, short bookshelf against one of the walls, filled with various baby books. Next to the closet was a matching white dresser. Next to the crib was a small pink toybox filled with a few baby toys that we couldn't wait to watch her play with when she got older. 

On the walls, spread out around the room were various picture frames. Most of them had cartoon images of animals, but there were two very special frames hung above her dresser. One was her most recent ultrasound picture, and the second was one of Andy and I smiling into the camera.

I rubbed my belly as I walked around the room with a smile. I was imagining my baby taking naps in here, playing, us reading to her. I was now even more excited for this baby. I ran my hand along the crib before turning to look at Andy.

"It's perfect, thank you!" I beamed as I ran up to him, hugging him. He wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Of course baby, I'm glad you like it," he mumbled in my ear, giving me a kiss on my cheek. I hugged my dad, Andy's dad, and the band, thanking them for helping as well. I knew I would struggle if I had to help Andy, if we he would even let me help. If Andy had to do this on his own, it would've taken days. I went back to Andy and gave him another hug.

"I love you," I mumbled into his shoulder.

"I love you too," he said, rubbing my back.


After everyone left, Andy and I were relaxing on the couch. I was leaned back with my feet propped up on the coffee table. Andy had his face pressed to my belly and was rubbing small circles on it. I was running my fingers through his hair, staring at the TV.

"Daddy can't wait to meet you baby girl," he said quietly as he spoke to our daughter. "You're going to be so spoiled and daddy already loves you so so much."

"You're so cute," I giggled.

"What? I heard it's good to talk to babies in the womb," he shrugged.

"I didn't say it was bad, I just said you were cute. You're going to be a great dad, Andy."

"Well you're going to be an amazing mom." He said, picking up his head and kissing my lips. Our kiss was interrupted by our daughter kicking Andy's hand. Andy gasped and then smiled at me, leaning down and kissing where she kicked. 

"I love you baby girl," he said, barely above a whisper.


Sorry for the short chapter!

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