Chapter 98
Andy's POV
*One Month Later*
"GRAMMA! GRANPA!" Madi exclaimed as she attempted to wiggle out of my grip. I held her close so I wouldn't drop her.
"Just wait," I told her as I continued to try to wrangle her. She finally broke free and I managed to lower her to the ground just in time for her to escape and take off running. She ran into my dad's arms as he bent down to catch her.
"Hey girly!" my dad greeted her.
"Granpa!" she said, clutching to his neck as he lifted her off the ground.
"Madi, you can't just run off, that's dangerous," I scolded her as I walked towards my parents.
"Madi, you need to listen to daddy," my mom told her. She just giggled and I rolled my eyes. I hugged my mom and then my dad passed Madi to her so I could hug him.
"How's tour been?" my mom asked me.
"Fine when Madi actually listens to me. She's behaves fine for Alex, but all bets are off when it comes to me."
"It's just the age, she's a threenager," my mom reassured.
"It better be because I'm about to lose my damn mind," I groaned. We waited outside the venue talking until Brielle's parents showed up.
"Hey!" I greeted.
"GRAMMA! GRANPA!" Madi exclaimed again as I watched as she tried to escape my mom's grip.
"Oh no you don't," I said, grabbing her from my mom and holding her tight. "Stop running," I said through gritted teeth. She let out a big huff and stopped squirming.
"I've got her," Brielle's mom said with a big smile, holding out her arms. I passed the toddler to her and Madi wrapped her arms around her grandma's neck.
"Sorry, she ran off when my parents got here," I explained.
"She's just excited," Brielle's mom smiled, lightly bopping Madi on the nose with her finger.
"Yeah, but it's dangerous."
"Well maybe we should go inside where she's safer?" my mom suggested. We walked into the venue and found a place to sit. We were talking while we let Madi run around the space we were in.
"So Andy, will you be enrolling Madi in preschool?" Brielle's mom asked.
"Unless I find a school that's okay with her being absent for months at a time, I will not. I'd rather take her on tour with me as much as I can before she starts Kindergarten. Preschool is colors and numbers anyway, I can teach her that."
"Oh Andy, she's going to have such a hard time transitioning to Kindergarten! Preschool is where you make friends and learn to socialize!"
"Oh, that girl is a social butterfly. She'll be just fine. Besides, she's going to Kindergarten with her best friend. The best place for her right now and for the next year or so is with me," I said, giving her a look that dared her to argue with me. I know what's best for my daughter and I'm tired of people questioning my choices or trying to tell me how to raise my daughter. Brielle's mom has been doing it since Madi was born and I know it'll be a lifelong fight.
Times like this make me wish Brielle was still here because she had no problem standing up to her parents. I was always worried I would come off as disrespectful or an unfit father. None of her comments ever blew up into a big argument, so my diffusing of the situation usually worked to settle dust.
When I had to start getting ready for the show, I left Madi with her grandparents. Alex has been such an amazing help on this tour but I know she's glad for the break. Once I was ready, I came back out and slipped Madi's headphones onto her head. She frowned but then quickly returned to what she was doing. She wasn't a huge fan of the headphones, but she knew she needed them.
We ran out on stage and performed our show, just like every night. As always, I pulled Madi onto stage for In The End. It was honestly my favorite part of the night. It was a moment I got to share with my daughter and she loved being on stage. I guess you could say she gets it honestly.
"Oh Andy, hearing you perform Beautiful Pain and The Void always brings me to tears," Brielle's mom said as she hugged me.
"I also tear up a little during those," I chuckled.
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Beautiful Pain (An Andy Biersack Love Story) {1} [Completed]
FanfictionBrielle Adams meets Andy Biersack at a Bengals game after he spills a drink on her. Unfortunately, this was the girl he was looking at more than the game, amazed at her enthusiasm for football. He takes her to buy a new shirt where they get to talk...