Chapter 65: News

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Chapter 65: News

Brielle's POV

I woke up the next morning sick as a dog. I barely left the bunk and slept all day. The following day, I felt slightly better.

"Are you getting up today?" Andy asked as he laid in the bunk with me.

"Yeah." I said, stretching my arms in the small space. "I think I'm ready to tell the guys."

"Really?" He asked and I nodded.

"I don't want them to be worried."

"As long as you're sure." He said, placing his hand on my waist and kissing my lips. We exited the bunk and got dressed for the day. We walked out to the lounge where all the guys were sitting. Andy and I made ourselves some breakfast and then sat down in the empty spaces on the couch.

"So, I'm not actually sick." I said, breaking the silence in the room.

"Huh?" CC questioned.

"I mean, I'm sick. I haven't been faking. I'm not just sick though. I'm pregnant." I said nervously.

"Congrats!" Lonny smiled and the others gave similar words of congratulations.

"Thanks, I'm only two months along which is why I'm so sick. I didn't want to keep it from you guys and lie about it, but I also wanted to be in the clear before I shared the news. I just didn't want you to worry about how sick I've been."

"Yeah, we were a little worried." Jake laughed.

"We're seriously really happy for you guys." CC smiled at us.

"Thanks." Andy said with a chuckle, rubbing my back.

*One Month Later*

"BRIELLE!" Sienna screamed as she latched onto me. I hugged her tightly and laughed as she squeezed me. "I've missed you so much!" She exclaimed.

"I've missed you too." I laughed.

"It feels so weird coming to a concert to see you instead of coming with you."

"I know."

"How has tour been?"

"Fun." I said with a small smile. I was planning to tell Sienna about my pregnancy today, but not yet. I'm three months along and have started growing a small bump. I'm still able to hide it with baggy shirts, so that's all I've been wearing lately. I didn't want one of Andy's fans to spot me and announce it to the world. I said hi to Sterling while Sienna said hi to Andy. We sat on the bus with the guys until sound check. 

I stood with Sterling and Sienna during sound check, Sienna and I making small talk. I was giving pretty short answers and letting her do all the talking because I was so nervous. I just wanted to blurt out that I was pregnant and celebrate with her. I was nervous about her reaction. I was pretty sure she was going to be excited for me, but I was worried she would be upset with me for waiting for so long. I mean, for as long as I've known her, I've told her everything the moment it happened. I've never kept anything from her, especially not for this long.

"Are you okay?" Sienna asked.

"Yeah." I reassured.

"You're not talking a lot."

"I'm just tired. Living on a tour bus is tiring." I laughed. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I could tell she didn't believe me. "I promise." I said, placing her hand on my shoulder. She narrowed her eyes at me and then changed the subject.

After sound check, Andy and I went to lunch with Sterling and Sienna. We got seated at a table and ordered our food.

"So, have you made any wedding plans?" I asked.

"No way, I'm waiting for you to get home." She laughed. "I can't make decisions without my matron of honor."

"Ew, no. Maid of honor, please." I laughed. "Matron makes me feel old."

"Okay, okay." She laughed.

"Do you at least have a date in mind? A month? A season?" I asked.

"Maybe summer, not sure. I definitely don't want a long engagement." She laughed.

"As long as you don't get married in February." I said.

"Oh, because of Valentine's Day? Yeah, I guess that's a little cheesy."

"That, and because that's when my baby is due."

"YOUR WHAT?" She screamed, causing a few other customers to look at us.

"I'm 3 months pregnant." I said with a smile, tears coming to my eyes. Damn emotions.

"You bitch!" She exclaimed jokingly, lightly slapping my hand that was resting on the table. "I knew there was something different with you. I knew I felt a bump when I hugged you. Oh my god!" She rambled, making Andy and I both laugh. "How long have you known?"

"Basically since I got pregnant." I shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me!" She squealed.

"I was trying not to tell anyone for my first trimester, until there's a smaller chance of something happening. I was just too damn sick to hide it from anyone with also being on tour. Plus, I wanted to be able to tell you in person. I'm so sorry Sienna. I know I tell you everything and I'm sorry I kept this from you."

"Brielle, I'm not mad. I promise. I understand your reasons. I'm just so excited for you! The both of you! Promise you'll keep me in the loop now?" She asked.

"Of course." I smiled. She spent the rest of our lunch asking me a million questions about my pregnancy so far and future plans. We got up when we were finished and Sienna gave me a tight hug.

"You have a bump, right?" She asked.

"A small one." I said, pulling my shirt tight against my body to reveal the small baby bump.

"Oh my god! I just can't believe you're pregnant! This is so fucking exciting!" She said and I just giggled.

"I know." I said, hugging her again.


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