Brielle Adams meets Andy Biersack at a Bengals game after he spills a drink on her. Unfortunately, this was the girl he was looking at more than the game, amazed at her enthusiasm for football. He takes her to buy a new shirt where they get to talk...
"So, what were you thinking for Thanksgiving?" I asked while I was on the phone with Andy.
"I don't know." He sighed. "I'm getting home a week for Thanksgiving. I don't really want to travel all the way to Ohio, but I don't want to spend Thanksgiving without family."
"How about we invite everyone to our house?" I suggested.
"I don't know Brielle. That's so many people, so much cooking, so many dishes." He groaned.
"You won't have to lift a finger, I promise. It doesn't need to be a lot of people. We can literally invite just our parents if we want to. Plus, having your mom and my mom, you won't need to touch a single oven or dish. I've wanted to bring my parents out to LA forever, and what better way than to show them our house?"
"I'll think about it. The no traveling is a perk." He chuckled.
"There they are!" I said cheerfully. I watched as our parents descended the escalator. Our parents had gotten the same flight out to LA for Thanksgiving. We decided it was easiest if it was only them that came out instead of trying to coordinate with a bunch of family members. I invited Sienna but she was taking Sterling to Ohio to meet her family. We also invited the BVB boys. Lonny wasn't coming since he's not American and it would be extra travel for him to get here. Jinxx also wasn't coming, he was willing to travel so his son could be with family for the holiday. CC and Jake had agreed to come with their significant others.
"Brielle!" My mom exclaimed as they got close to us. I met her halfway and hugged her.
"Hi mom." I smiled. I hugged my dad and then hugged Andy's parents who were right behind mine. I led them to Andy and he hugged each of them, but shaking my dad's hand. We waited by the baggage carousel until their bags popped out. Andy helped my dad and his dad lift the bags off the carousel. Andy insisted on carrying as many bags as he could out to the car. We got to the car and Andy and his dad helped load the car as I got in with my parents and Andy's mom. Luckily I had a big enough car to fit everyone. Once the bags were loaded, Andy and his dad climbed in and I started driving us home.
"How was your flight?" Andy asked.
"It was fine, long." Andy's mom sighed. We got to the house and got out, Andy and his dad pulling the bags out.
"Andy, this is a nice house." My mom said.
"Thank you." He smiled. They got all the bags unloaded and everyone made their way up to the house. I unlocked the door and opened it, everyone walking in behind me.
"Let me show you to your rooms." Andy said, starting up the stairs.
"Andy, are you sure I can't help you with the bags?" My mom asked.
"Nonsense, I've got it." He said. Andy showed them where they would be staying and then came back down to where I was. Our parents decided to relax in their rooms after their flight, so Andy and I watched some TV on the couch. Around dinner time, we went out to a restaurant. After dinner, we came home and decided to go to bed early since the next day was Thanksgiving and would be a long day.
I woke up early the next morning and got dressed in a T-Shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I would change into my Thanksgiving outfit closer to dinner. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and headed downstairs. I grabbed out ingredients for the first dish and started cooking. It wasn't long before Andy's mom and my mom joined me in the kitchen.
"I'm going to go get changed." I said as I left the kitchen. I went upstairs and into my room. I put on an olive green dress that went down to my knees and had sleeves. I brushed and curled my hair and applied some simple makeup.
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I went back downstairs to see that CC and Jake had arrived with their significant others. I greeted them and walked into the kitchen to see what else could be done. We finished dinner and placed it on the table.
"Dinner!" I called. Everyone came rushing into the dining room and took their seats. My mom, Andy's mom, and I sat down and everyone began to pass the food around, filling their plates.
"Thank you so much for inviting us out here you guys." My mom said, filled with a chorus of 'thank yous' from Andy's parents and my dad.
"Well thank you for understanding that I just absolutely did not want to travel." Andy laughed. "Hopefully next year we won't have a tour that runs around the holidays." He said, glancing at CC and Jake.
"After just seeing one night of your show, I can't imagine how exhausted you would after doing that nightly for 3 months." My dad chuckled.
"Exactly, thank you!" Andy exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh. We continued eating dinner and making small talk. After dinner, Andy's mom, my mom, and I carried everything to the sink and formed an assembly line for dishes. When we were finished, Jake and CC decided to head home. We said goodbye and then decided to watch a movie in the living room. Andy and I made a bed out of blankets on the floor while our parents took the couch. I only made it halfway through the movie before I passed out.
I woke up the next morning in bed, still wearing the dress I wore yesterday. I looked next to me and saw Andy sleeping peacefully. I smiled, assuming he was the one that carried me to bed last night.
I got out of bed and got dressed in a T-Shirt and jeans, Andy waking up as I finished getting dressed.
"Did you carry me to bed last night?" I asked.
"Yeah, you're so cute when you're sleeping." He smiled, his voice groggy from sleep. Andy got dressed and then we walked downstairs and smelled pancakes. We walked into the kitchen and saw our mom's cooking breakfast.
"You guys, you didn't have to do this!" I said.
"Of course we did, you guys have been such lovely hosts. We wanted to pay you back before we went home." Andy's mom said.
"Well, at least let us he-" Andy started but was cut off.
"No, go sit." My mom said. We walked to the dining table and sat down. Our dad's joined us shortly after, no one really talking since we had just woken up. The pancakes were finished and my mom placed the giant stack in the middle of the table. We filled our plates with pancakes and began to eat. After breakfast, our moms stood up and started gathering the plates. We tried to help but were shot down again.
Once the dishes were clean, our parents packed and we loaded the car. We drove them to the airport and walked them inside. They checked their bags and then came back to us.
"Thank you so much for coming." Andy said, hugging everyone but still only shaking my dad's hand.
"Thank you for having us!" My mom said. "We had such a good time, even though it was a short visit." I hugged everyone and then watched as they walked to security.