Chapter 75: Come Back To Me

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Chapter 75: Come Back To Me

Andy's POV

Once I got to the waiting room, I fell to my knees, breaking out in sobs.

"Andy!" I heard a few voices as people surrounded me. My mom and Sienna wrapped their arms around me as my body shook with sobs. My dad helped me to my feet and over to a chair. I sat with the others surrounding me, desperately waiting for an answer.

"Andy, what happened?" Brielle's mom asked a few minutes later. I looked up to see she had tears running down her face.

"I-I don't know," I admitted. It was the truth, I had no clue if Brielle was alive or dead right now. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying desperately to calm down. "They got the baby out and put her on Brielle's chest for a second, and then she was taken away to get checked on. Brielle was fine and then-then," I stopped, the feeling of fear creeping back into my chest, "s-she was bleeding and Brielle passed out and, oh my god," I cried.

"Andy," Sienna said softly, rubbing my knee.

"T-They kicked me out, I-I literally have no information. I-I didn't want to leave but they practically dragged me out. S-She's all alone and oh my god, she must be so scared," I said. I continued to cry for five minutes until I pulled myself together. I sat slumped in the chair, feeling like my world was ending. Everyone sat around me as we waited for any piece of news.

"Brielle Biersack," a nurse called 30 minutes later. I jumped up and ran to her, scanning her face for any hints on her condition. 

"I'm her husband," I explained.

"Follow me," she said, leading me out of the waiting room. She led me down a hallway and stopped in front of a room where Brielle's doctor was standing. My stomach twisted itself in a knot as I anxiously awaited for him to begin speaking.

"Brielle experienced a lot of bleeding, which we were able to get under control. Due to her HELLP syndrome, her liver is showing signs of failure. We are monitoring her closely and have put her into a medically induced coma to help her body heal."

"Oh my god," I mumbled, covering my mouth as tears rolled down my face. "C-Can I see her?" I asked and he nodded, opening the door. 

I walked into her room and felt my knees become weak. I sat in the nearest chair and started crying again. I collected myself and took a few deep breaths before gripping onto the arms of the chair. I pushed myself to my feet and drug myself over to Brielle's bedside. I sat in the chair next to her bed and grabbed her hand, giving it a tight squeeze. I reached my hand up to her face and ran a finger down her cheek.

"Brielle," I cried, pushing her beautiful blonde hair out of her face. She had a tube down her throat and was hooked up to a multitude of machines. She looked so lifeless, yet peaceful. I desperately wanted her eyes to open so I could see her beautiful blue eyes. I wanted to see her lips form into that smile I love so much. I wanted to hear her musical voice calling my name or telling me she loved me. I just wanted my Brielle back.

"Brielle, you need to come back to me. You need to get better. Our daughter needs a mother. I can't do this by myself. I need you Brielle. You're the love of my life and I can't go on without you. This isn't fair. We're supposed to be a family, a happy family. Please, Brielle." I begged, hoping she would magically wake up. I sat with her for a few more minutes before standing up and leaving the room. I caught a nurse's attention who was walking down the hall.

"Hi, I was wondering if I was able to go see my daughter. I believe she's in the NICU."

"I'll take you over there and we can ask the NICU nurses." She said with a smile. I followed her down the hall and she led me to the nurses' station.

"Hi, I was wanting to know if I could see my daughter. She was born probably close to an hour ago, Biersack." I told the nurse behind the desk. She typed a few things into her computer and then stood up.

"Follow me," she said, leading me further down the hallway. She led me to the nursery where the NICU babies were kept and I saw a dozen bassinets with very tiny babies. She pumped some hand sanitizer onto her hand and I did the same. She grabbed a pink smock and handed it to me. I put it on as she put one on herself and then led me into the near silent room. The only noises were the different machines keeping these babies alive. I was led to a bassinet that a doctor was leaning over, tending to the baby inside.

"Dr. Stewart, this is Mr. Biersack," the nurse introduced.

"Hello, I am your daughter's daughter," she smiled at me. My eyes drifted down to the tiny baby and I felt a breath catch in my throat. That's my daughter. She's alive and she looks relatively okay. I'm a father. "Her lungs are fully developed, we just have her on some supplemental oxygen to help her. We are currently running a few tests to get a full picture of how her different internal systems and organs are functioning. After those results come in, we can give you a better idea of how long she will need to stay and if she is facing any procedures. Other than that, she's got 10 fingers and 10 toes and is trending in the right direction."

"T-Thank you," I said, my eyes drifting between the doctor and my baby.

"Would you like to hold her?" she asked and I nodded. The doctor carefully lifted my daughter and placed her in my arms. I gasped as I held her close to my chest, staring down at her beautiful face. I felt my heart swell as I held my daughter.

"Oh my god," I whispered. "Hi baby girl, I'm your daddy. You're also my birthday buddy, our birthdays are a day apart. You'll see mommy soon, I promise," I cooed to her quietly. My eyes wandered to the info plate on her bassinet. It was a pink card that read "It's a Girl". The first and middle name lines were blank, Biersack written in the last name spot. Her birth date was written below the name, 12-27-24. It said she was 2.5 pounds and 14 inches long. My stomach dropped a bit, knowing babies are usually around 7 pounds. No wonder she seemed so small. She still had so much growing left to do. We still had a whole two months to prepare.

"Have you and your wife picked out a name?" the nurse asked. That question felt like a knife to my heart. Brielle and I never settled on a name. Our baby girl was nameless, just like Brielle feared. I didn't want to name her while Brielle was asleep. I wanted us to do it together. We're supposed to do it together.

"N-not yet," I let the words stumble out of my mouth.

"No worries," the nurse said with a soft smile. "Some babies go a few days without a name, it's a big responsibility," she said, trying to make me feel better. I handed my baby to the nurse so she could put her back in her bassinet correctly. I walked out of the nursery and tossed my smock into the discard bin. I ran my hands through my hair as I walked back down the hallway. I made it to the waiting room and everyone surrounded me. No one asked any questions, just waited for me to speak.

"Brielle's alive."


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