Brielle Adams meets Andy Biersack at a Bengals game after he spills a drink on her. Unfortunately, this was the girl he was looking at more than the game, amazed at her enthusiasm for football. He takes her to buy a new shirt where they get to talk...
"How does you leaving get harder each time?" I asked as I hugged Andy tightly in the middle of the airport.
"Because you're falling more and more in love with me each time." He said. I pulled back and saw the smirk on his face. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"Well, I hate to admit when you're right." I said. He smiled, leaning down and kissing me.
"I'll be back before you know it. We'll get to spend a month together, and then we'll be getting married." He smiled. He picked up my left hand and kissed the ring on my finger.
"I can't wait to marry you." I said with a smile, barely above a whisper.
"I can't wait either." He said, kissing me again. We dragged out the kiss, our arms wrapped around each other. We reluctantly broke apart and gazed into each other's eyes. "I love you so much Brielle."
"I love you too Andy." I smiled, kissing his again.
"If we keep kissing, I'm going to miss my plane." He laughed, breaking the kiss. "I will see you in a month in Ohio."
"See you in a month." I said, nodding. We hugged and kissed one last time before he forced himself to take a step back from me. He waved at me as he walked over to security.
*One Month Later*
"Oh Brielle, you look beautiful! Absolutely bridal!" My grandmother said as I let her into the house. She gave me a big hug and I hugged her back.
"Thank you. Go ahead and take a seat with everyone else, we're just waiting on a few more people." I said with a smile. Today was my bridal shower and we were hosting it in Ohio. I flew out my entire bridal party so that we could all be together. My mom was hosting it at her house, and all of the women on both sides of the family were invited.
I was wearing a white dress with spaghetti straps. It was longer in the back and shorter in the front, the front stopping at my knees.
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I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a small plate of veggies to snack on while I made my way through the room to talk to people. Once everyone arrived, we played a game called 'Who Knows the Bride Best'. My aunt read off the questions and the first one to raise their hand got to answer. If that person got it wrong, someone else got a chance until someone got it right. My mom and Sienna ended up tied at the end for the most correct answers.
We played a Bridal Bingo game and then had a light lunch, allowing us more time to chat. After food, I sat and opened the gifts that people brought me. I was given so many things, that my mom was going to have to ship them back home for me.
"So, we have a small surprise for everyone." I said with a smile. "My fiancé is actually playing a show in town tonight, and he got us spots in the VIP section at the venue! I want everyone to have a chance to watch him perform!"