Chapter 14: Celebration

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Chapter 14: Celebration

 Brielle's POV

*One Month Later*

"ANDYYY!" I squealed as I ran into his open arms. I jumped and he caught me, my legs wrapping around his waist as I spun around. He held me close as we just took a moment to enjoy each other's embrace after being apart for two months. I leaned back a bit and looked into his eyes. Our lips crashed together as we fell into a deep, passionate kiss. After a minute, we pulled apart and smiled at each other.

"I missed you." He said quietly.

"I missed you too." I said as I kissed him again. He placed me back on the ground and I turned to see Sienna awkwardly standing off to the side.

"Hi Sienna." Andy chuckled awkwardly.

"Hi Andy." She said.

"Well, let's get to the bus." He said, grabbing my hand. He handed us our tour laminates and then led us to wear the buses were parked. He opened the door to his bus and led us up the stairs.

"Brielle! Sienna!" The guys cheered as we walked around the corner.

"Hey." Sienna and I said in unison. We sat on the couch and chatted with the guys. We talked until it was time for soundcheck. We followed the guys into the venue and sat on the side of the stage while they completed their sound check. They finished and we went back to the bus. We were in the bus for a short amount of time before they needed to go to VIP. We followed them and sat in a corner as they took pictures with the line of fans. I smiled as I watched Andy interact with the fans and take pictures with them. You could tell that he loved his fans and enjoyed meeting them. 

When they finished, we grabbed a quick dinner and then headed back into the venue so the guys could prepare for the show. They got dressed, did their stage makeup, and began doing warm ups backstage. Their intro music played and they ran out one at a time. Andy ran out last, immediately interacting with the screaming crowd. They finished the show and ran off stage, Andy immediately going to me and kissing me.

"You did amazing, as always." I smiled at him.

"Thank you love." He said, grabbing a towel to wipe his face. The boys and Sienna went back to the bus while Andy I stood outside to be alone for a minute. 

"Andy, I will move in with you." I said with a large smile.

"Huh?" He said, obviously caught off guard. "What about Sienna?"

"She was able to find a really nice one-bedroom apartment." I said. Andy looked at me for a moment and then wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and spinning me around. I giggled, Andy placing kisses all over my face and neck. He put me back down on my feet and gripped my face, kissing me deeply. I kissed him back, our bodies so close together that you couldn't even slip a piece of paper between us.

"I am so happy." He said, pulling away just enough to look into my eyes. "I'm so happy that I get to live with you. I'm so happy that I get to go to bed next to you every night and wake up next to you every morning. I'm so happy that I get to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with you. I'm so happy that I get to welcome you home from work every day. I am so happy that I am lucky enough to be with you." He said softly, pure love in his eyes. I smiled as butterflies slammed into the walls of my stomach. "I am so in love with you Brielle."

"I'm in love with you too Andy." I said, kissing him again. Our kiss got deeper and more passionate, his hands running up and down my body, lifting my shirt slightly. He broke the kiss and grabbed my hand, dragging me onto the bus. 

"What time are we leaving?" He asked the bus driver.

"30 minutes." He said, Andy pulling me into the lounge.

"I only need 5!" He called as he dragged me through the lounge and into the bunk room.

"Oh god, Andy!" Jinxx groaned as Andy closed the bunk room door. He pushed me onto his bunk and started undressing me. I smiled as his lips crashed with mine, his clothes quickly coming off as well.


"You just had to make it hard for you to leave again, didn't you." I giggled as I finished getting redressed.

"Sorry." He shrugged with a chuckle. "Not really though." He smirked with a wink.

"Sienna is going to roast me on the way home!" I said, frantically fixing my hair.

"Was it worth it though?" He asked with another smirk.

"Always." I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. He kissed me back, his hands gripping my waist.

"We better get going before I pull you back into that bunk." He laughed, stepping away from me and grabbing my hand. We walked into the lounge, my hair hanging in front of my face, hiding me from my embarrassment.

"Come on Sienna, let's get going." I said quietly.

"Bow-chicka-wow-wow." CC laughed, blush rising on my cheeks.

"Awh, knock it off." Andy said. "We were celebrating."

"Celebrating what?" Jake asked.

"We're moving in together after tour." He said proudly.

"Congrats!" Lonny said.

"Not sure if that was worth my innocence." Jinxx chuckled.

"You have a whole ass kid!" Andy said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Fifteen minutes until we leave!" The bus driver called. Sienna stood up and the three of us walked off the bus and Andy walked us to the car. Sienna got in and started it up while Andy and I stood outside. Andy wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"I love you." He said softly.

"I love you too." I said as we kissed. We held the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away. "I can't wait for you to come home."

"I can't wait to live with you." He smiled. "You don't understand how truly happy I am right now." He said.

"Well now you know just how happy you make me." I said. "I'll see you in a month."

"See you in a month." He said, kissing me one last time and giving me a tight hug. He opened the car door for me and I got in, Andy closing it behind me. I buckled my seatbelt, Sienna backing out and driving away.

"You guys are so cute together!" Sienna squealed. I just smiled and stared at the window as the distance between Andy and I got further and further apart.


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