Brielle Adams meets Andy Biersack at a Bengals game after he spills a drink on her. Unfortunately, this was the girl he was looking at more than the game, amazed at her enthusiasm for football. He takes her to buy a new shirt where they get to talk...
"You thought plane rides were uncomfortable normally," I groaned, waddling through the jetway and into the airport. I was now 7 months pregnant and definitely feeling it. Everything was swollen, I felt like a bowling ball was strapped to my torso, and I was starting to get slower. These next two months couldn't come faster, I was so ready to have my baby in my arms.
"You want me to carry you?" Andy chuckled, even though I knew a small part of him was serious. He was concerned about how swollen I was because he read it was a symptom of preeclampsia, the diagnosis my doctor warned us about. I reassured him it was normal, despite my blood pressure still being high. I had an appointment with my doctor shortly after we got back, and she was probably going to put me on medication to try to lower it.
"I'm okay, it's good for me to walk," I said. We made the long trek to baggage claim and I had to stop multiple times to rest. We finally made it to baggage claim and the bags were already spinning around the carousel since it had taken so long for us to get there. Andy rushed to get our bags while I sat on a nearby bench. He returned with a smile, letting the bags rest near me.
"Are you good or do you need a minute?"
"Are you able to get the car and bring it around?" I asked.
"Sure, can you watch the bags?" He asked and I nodded, grabbing onto the handles. He gave me a kiss before running off towards the rental car desk. It was two days before Christmas and we had just landed in Ohio. We had decided to keep the same visiting schedule that we've followed for the past few years. We would spend the 23rd and 24th with my family, and then leave on Christmas morning to spend the 25th and 26th with Andy's family. We might change it as our daughter gets older, but for now, it works.
I sat on the bench for 10 minutes until I got a text from Andy that he was outside. I stood up and wobbled out of the airport with the suitcases. He hopped out of the car and loaded the suitcases into the trunk, allowing me to get in the passenger seat. Once the car was loaded, he got back in the driver's seat and pulled away from the curb. We drove in a comfortable silence to my parents' house.
Andy came around to my side and helped me to my feet. I leaned against the car as he pulled the suitcases out. We walked up to the door and it was ripped open before I even got a chance to knock.
"Brielle! This bump is bigger each time I see you!" She gushed, having just seen me for Thanksgiving a month ago. She placed her hands on my bump for a second and then pulled me in for a hug.
"It's called growing a baby mom," I laughed, hugging her back. She hugged Andy and then welcomed us in. Andy carried our bags upstairs while I made a beeline for the couch.
"How was your flight?" My dad asked, coming over and hugging me.
"Fine, I'm just so uncomfortable," I sighed, trying to rub away a cramp in my stomach.
"I'm sorry honey," he said, sitting in a nearby recliner. Andy came back downstairs and sat next to me, draping his arm around my shoulders. I stopped rubbing away the cramp even though it still hurt. I tried not to tell Andy if anything was hurting, if at all possible. I swear he offers to take me to the hospital at least once a week, "just to get checked out," as he says. He's so paranoid after my ectopic pregnancy, especially since learning I have high blood pressure.
We woke up Christmas morning and opened presents with my family before we had to go to his parents' house. There were even a few gifts for the new baby which I thought was so sweet. Andy handed me his present for me and I opened it.
Inside was a gold necklace with a circle charm hanging off of it that read "Mama".
"Once we figure out this little one's name, we can add a charm with her initial," Andy said sheepishly, showing me the picture on his phone of an example necklace.
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"I love it Andy, thank you!" I exclaimed, hugging him. I handed him his present and he opened it. It was a black shirt that had 'Awesome Dads Have Tattoos" written in white.
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"Thank you," Andy smiled, beaming at me. He leaned over and kissed my forehead.
After presents Andy packed everything into the car and then we said goodbye to my family. We got in the car and drove to his parents' to continue Christmas and celebrate Andy's birthday.