Chapter 93: Baby's First Thanksgiving

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Chapter 93: Baby's First Thanksgiving

Andy's POV

*One Month Later*

"Andy! How was your flight?" my mom asked as I walked up to her at baggage claim.

"Horrible, she was crying the whole flight," I complained, gesturing to Madi who had now calmed down. Her lip was trembling and her eyes were still wet from the tears.

"Poor thing, her ears probably popped," my mom cooed, taking her from me. I had just taken my first flight with Madi and I was already dreading the flight home. "You need to give her a bottle when the planes taking off and landing. Kind of like how we need to swallow to prevent our ears from popping, so does she," my mom explained.

"That would've been nice to know before I was the asshole on the plane with the crying baby," I snapped. "Sorry, that flight just exhausted me," I groaned.

"It's okay," my mom smiled. I walked off and grabbed my bag before returning to my parents. Tomorrow was Thanksgiving so I had flown to Ohio with Madi. We were staying with my parents and having Thanksgiving at their house. We had plans to go out to dinner with Brielle's parents on Friday, and then fly home on Saturday.

This was my first solo trip with Madi as the drive back to California was with my parents. It was also Madi's first Thanksgiving. If Brielle was here, I know that she would've picked a cute outfit for Madi to wear to Thanksgiving dinner. I'm just not the type of dad to go out and buy cute outfits for special occasions. Luckily, my mom said she had found something for Madi to wear.

We went out to the car and I strapped Madi into her car seat. My parents got in the front while I got in the back with Madi. We drove to their house and my dad parked in the driveway. I got out and unstrapped Madi while my dad helped me with my suitcase. I carried Madi up the stairs while he followed me with my suitcase. I walked into my room and my breath caught in my throat. 

I hadn't been here since we left to return back to California at the beginning of the year. This room still brought back a lot of memories of Brielle. It was the last bed she slept in, the last place she stayed. It was the room I learned how to be a father and it was the room I mourned my wife in. It was now more than just my childhood bedroom, it held so many more memories. This year had been long, painful, and joyful. I was so ready for it to be over.

I noticed my parents had set up a pack and play for Madi to sleep in instead of a crib. I placed her down into it and took my suitcase from my dad, resting it on the wall.

"I hope you're ready for a nap Madi, cause I am." I said as my dad left the room and closed the door. I picked Madi back up and rocked her until she fell asleep. I carefully laid her in the pack and play before lying down and falling asleep myself.


The next day, I started by taking a quick shower while Madi was still asleep. I got out and dried off, running a brush through my hair. I got dressed into a pair of black jeans and a black button-up shirt that had 3/4 sleeves.

I walked back into the bedroom and over to Madi. She had woken up and was playing with her toes to keep herself occupied. I smiled at her and picked her up, giving her a hug and a kiss. I changed her diaper and then got her dressed into the outfit that my mom had bought for her.

She was wearing a white onesie that said "Daddy's Little Turkey" in gold cursive. She then had a brown tutu with a gold sequin bow on the front. My mom had also purchased a matching gold sequin bow that was attached to elastic so that it could go around her head. Lastly were white leg warmers with matching gold bows.

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