Battle between Clans Pt. III

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Damon Leywin

"Where's father?" Raven asked as she was disguised as my father, and as she did, Herneus could be seen over her shoulder coming over, so we both turned to him as he killed a Leviathan with his flaming sword. He seems to be a very serious threat to someone; I could see why Kezess wanted him dead.

"Devil!" Herneus said, spinning the blade in his hand. "I'm done waiting to see you die!" He shouted as a Leviathan shot a water scythe at the beast of a dragon, a leader of a clan. The water scythe merely was knocked away as his flaming sword sliced through it. "I'm going to be the one who claims your life!"

"Get out of here." I told Raven, she turned to me, eyeing me up. "Use your illusions and flee, you can't fight him, but I can." I conjured a void blade in my right hand and started walking towards Herneus, a wide opening formed as he released his aura, the dragons and Leviathans were afraid to enter his vicinity, and sensing what was about to go down, they knew better.

"Alright." Raven said, shooting me a smile as she vanished, a clone taking her place to the side. "Be safe, brother." She, in the form of my father, shot into the force of Leviathans, not really doing anything, but my eyes drifted away from her and towards Herneus who was getting closer.

"Ohh!" Herneus said with a joyful face. "Fine, the Devil is afraid of me, I guess killing one of his children will be just as fun!" A second flaming sword appeared in his hands, then he stopped, and I joined him in the circle within the battlefield, all the soldiers avoided us, giving us space to fight, I didn't know why, but fuck it. "I'm sorry you have to die for your father's sins."

I shot a wind blade at him, he ducked, shot at me, then I shot another, then shot myself at him. My blade came up, his came down, they collided, then I shot into the air, spun myself, and my foot collided with his face, knocking some teeth out.

His other sword came up as he gathered himself, but I deflected it away, then said. "If you want to kill me, please, actually try." His eyes grew in anger, then fire blazed out of him, aether coiled up in his weapons, and I felt his aura grow even more. "Thanks."

"Die! Bastard!" He shouted, swinging his sword at my head, I ducked under it, then spun and sliced his ankle, drawing blood. "Uhhhhh!" He roared as I shot a wind blade at his chest, he activated his Beast Will, and I saw the ruins appear, then he moved out of the way of the wind blade like it was nothing.

"Hahaha!" I laughed, activating my own Beast Will, Unchained Phantom, I didn't want a Vritras, I knew with the one I had, I could use shadow step, and it was almost just as good as god step my uncle has, Arthur Leywin.

My blade connected with his, then I deflected another strike, and he just started to rain down attacks on me. Flames and aether strikes pushed me back, and I started to get closer and closer to the soldiers behind me, fighting one another.

"Haha, why are you not laughing anymore?!" He exclaimed as a flaming ball shot at me, I conjured a ball of water and countered the spell, then deflected one sword away from me, dodged the other, then shadow stepped behind the dragon and slashed his ankle, forcing him to one knee.

He swung his sword backwards, I back stepped, then fire blazed at me, but water seeped out of me and blocked the strike. I shot a wind blade at his neck, trying to kill him, he was getting on my nerve, but he vanished before me, and appeared to my side.

I forgot I was fighting a god, not a Lance, a human, an elf, but a god. My sword came up and I blocked a strike, then shadow stepped again, then again to his side, my sword collided with his flaming one, blocking my strike with ease.

"No more games, Lesser!" He scolded me, this mad dragon, a clan leader, the strongest of the strong, was no joke. "How long can you keep this up? That's what I am curious about!" Herneus shouted, swinging his sword again and again.

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