My Love

340 19 10

Sylvie Indrath

I was standing in a room, pacing, thinking about what I should be doing right now. Was there anything to do? I was stuck here against my will, of course, it was by Veer, he thinks this is necessarily to defeat my Grandfather, but he's wrong.

However, I can't do anything about it, the only thing that keeps running around in my mind constantly is a what if situation. This, all this, the war with Alacrya, with Epheotus, it's all because of me. 

If I didn't die, I would have been here for Virion, and he wouldn't have done all this, he wouldn't have become this, this evil Devil. I still see sparks of the old Virion there, but I could tell how much he has changed. It's not all bad, he is more mature, but most of it is just how evil and dark he's become.

He replaced Arthur with a clone, that wasn't even the worse thing he has done. He killed Arthur to defeat my father, which is a big deal, but to kill a brother, a person he loved to do so, it's just stupid and dark, too dark for me to be around.

Don't get me wrong, I love him, I still do, it's my fault why he is like he is, but I don't know how to handle it, or go about it. I want to do what I can to help him, to save him from himself, but how can I when he doesn't talk to me about the things he should be.

I have people watching me at all times when I leave this room, that's why after the third time, I stopped, I just stayed put. If Veer wants to see or speak to me, he can come to my room, where we can be alone.

I'm sick and tired of seeing Selena with him, I think she is using him, I don't know for what, but she has to be. I mean, she doesn't, but there is something else to her that I just can't put a finger on it.

I heard of the death of his son though, Damon, I don't remember meeting him at all, but they do seem to care, which is a good sign. It means he didn't lose all remorse, and that the people around actually care for each other.

Well, I shouldn't say anything about remorse, I couldn't tell if Virion was sad or not, he is very simple minded when he talked to me. When I say that, his answers are brief and simple, they don't explain much, and don't give up a lot of information. They are just perfect answers to keep me in the dark.

I hated it, and I wanted to speak to him about it, but when I am with him, Selena, Ivy, or someone else is with him. I wanted to just be alone with him, maybe, and just maybe I'll be able to push an answer I want out of him.

Ivy was actually okay to be around, she was very nice to me, very open, but not too open. She called me mother a couple times which was weird, but to them, creations of Veer, they probably don't know better. I haven't met the others, but I would like to, well, I met Raven, she was a delight.

No, she was very, I don't know the right word, crazy, weird, a lot like her father actually. The darker side of him, not the loving side. The person I danced with at the Floating Fortress was nowhere to be seen, I missed those days, even if we were at war.

I was snapped out of thought at the sound of the door to this room opening, standing in the doorway was Veer, just what I wanted, him, by himself, no one for him to act in front of. There was no reason for him to lie now, but I knew deep in my heart, that he still was going to.

"Veer." I said his name aggressively, approaching him as he stepped into the room, letting the door close behind him. "What are you doing?! Let me go back to Dicathen, we can still salvage all that you have done."

"I can't do that." He told me as I stopped in front of him, standing to the corner of the bed within the room. "We are working on getting the people out, Kezess won't know what hit him when he attacks, but you, you have to stay here, at least until the clones did their parts."

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