He's Back

272 27 16

Arthur Leywin

"How is Tess?" My mother asked me, she was holding Olivia, I was holding Aldon outside in the garden, taking in the fresh air. "Is she still with Ellie absorbing mana from those horns?" Those two have been at it for the past two days, sparring, absorbing mana. Cylrit has been with them as well, not all the time, but he has been trying to get stronger as well.

"She is." I told her, looking at my mother who was smiling as she looked down at Olivia. "If she isn't with the kids, or with me, she is with them, trying to get back to her normal self." I understood she wanted to get back to normal, so I never complained about it, I just wanted her to be safe.

"At least she is doing what makes her happy." My mother said, and she was right, who was I to tell her that she wasn't allowed to do something like train. "It's been nice the past couple weeks, enjoying the fresh air, holding the children, it almost feels, normal."

"Yeah." I said, thinking about it, besides training and helping out around the Kingdom, I would agree with her, but I was still the leader of the continent, I had a lot to do. "Almost, normal."

"What are you going to do the rest of the day?" She asked as Sylvie came stepping out of the palace to join us, smiling as she looked at me, or maybe the babies. "Train with Sylvie, how has fate been treating you? Did you do it yet?"

"I did not do it yet; I need to master it." I told her, she really didn't know what she was talking about, but it was fine. "I'll probably try to train a little with Sylvie, but I don't know, there's a lot I have to do with getting Xyrus, Blackbend, and Slore back up and running."

"Hey." Sylvie said, stepping closer, taking a seat with me on the ground, running her hand over Aldon's head. "What about getting things back up and running?" She asked, trying to understand what we were talking about before she arrived.

"Nothing." I waved it off, it wasn't anything I couldn't do later, Bairon and Aya have been helping a lot. 'Where are you, Regis?' I asked my bond, and as I did that, my other bond heard the message as well, but ignored it.

'Guarding Tessia and your sister.' He said proudly, causing me to laugh slightly, but I held it in. He didn't need to do that, but I appreciated it, so I sent him a mental nod, letting him know that I was thankful.

"We were just talking about how normal it has been around here lately." My mother told Sylvie. "It's been calm, relaxing, and the kids have been great." I noticed at the mention of things being normal and calm, Sylvie's mood changed slightly.

"Not normal enough." She said, thinking about Veer, I could sense it, see it, she misses him, and feels bad about what she has done, leaving him to come here. She did the right thing though, she wasn't safe with Virion, it was good she came here.

"Sylv, I know you want Virion to come back, we all do, maybe more some than others." My mother told her, looking at me, knowing I am a little more than just upset with him. "But there's nothing we can do about it."

"We shouldn't even be talking about it." I interrupted, shaking my head as I looked at the two of them. "He is a monster, he tried to kill me, he has enslaved thousands, killed more, he isn't coming back, this is the new normal."

"Arthur." Sylvie said my name slowly, calmly, a worried tone to her voice. "We have done exactly what he has except the enslaving part, that's the worse, but we've killed a lot of people as well in the war."

"Stop." I said, waving it off as I took one hand off of Aldon. "I don't want to think about him right now. I don't even know what to do about him." I paused, then changed the subject. "What were you doing before coming here?"

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