Kezess verse Virion Pt. II

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I smirked as his sword flashed across my face, I dodged it, deflected it to the side a second later, jumped over some sort of aether strike, landed, and felt a sword enter my stomach, entering the front and exiting behind me.

"It's over." Kezess said into my ear, but I only smiled at him as he twisted the blade within my chest. "You crazy bastard." I vanished off his blade, reappearing about five yards away from him, blood gushed onto the ground in large amounts, but I stayed on my feet.

"I fucking hate you." I said, conjuring another blade in my hand, the blood sword solidified, and I went on. "A little cut like this won't stop me." My wound closed and the blood around me replaced the amount I lost. "Let's continue."

'Four minutes.' Hades said, and I stepped towards Kezess, keeping the blood terrain and sound barrier active around us. 'I already got everyone out, even got Ivy to get Damon's body.' I nodded to myself, then vanished once again.

Our blades met, and he spoke. "This is pointless, you can't defeat me, Lesser, or, Devil. You are too weak and pathetic!" He roared in my ear, I conjured another sword and sliced his side slightly, but he appeared behind me

I lifted one sword over my head, deflected his sword without looking, vanished and my sword came down on his shoulder, well, it would have if he didn't teleport away, or stop time right before I hit him.

I stepped on the ground and pushed ice outwards, letting it expand over the hard earth below us, but as I did, the ice cracked within seconds as Kezess stomped his food on it with aether reinforcing him.

I shrugged, I didn't think that would really work anyways, I was merely trying something. His sword came at my face, I brought my own up, swatting it away, swung my other, he dodged, sent a thrust at my stomach, I side stepped, backing up as I did.

I brought both blades forward, trying to cut him in half as fast as I could before he could teleport away, but I couldn't, he was way, way too fast. I spun, predicting he would come from behind me, I dodged a strike, swung my sword, he dodged it as well.

"I can't wait to kill your parents." Kezess told me, and I felt anger spike in me as I parried a blow, then another. "Your sister." I swung my sword, he vanished, then spoke at my side. "Your whole entire family."

"Keep talking." I told him, deflecting a strike of his sword away from me. "Really, please, it makes me happy listening to these comments." I swung my sword at his face, conjured a blast of fire, in front of me and shot it to the side of where I predicted him to appear after vanishing.

Kezess vanished before my sword could hit him, then appeared in front of my fire, but he simply held a hand up and the spell faded. "Just give up already, Lesser, you are going to die." He told me, looking around. "Your force is falling."

'Three minutes.' 

"Maybe, but your force is losing a lot more." I told him, looking at the dragon corpses all around the field. "Maybe I lose two to three hundred Wraiths, but that's nothing compared to your thousands of dragons that are on the ground already."

"One dragon is worth a lot more than a sing ----"

I cut him off as I appeared before him, not really caring what he had to say, my sword flashed, he blocked it, sent a kick towards my stomach. I dodged it, side stepping it, then brought my elbow down on his leg, causing it to go numb, but he was still able to teleport.

He vanished, shot a fire spell at me, aether was entangled in it, but I merely waved my hand and the spell vanished as I manipulated it. He appeared at my side, the white blade he held entered my flesh again, but I grabbed it with my bare hand and stopped him from pushing any further, then did the same thing to him, drove my sword into his chest.

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