Obtaining my Army

220 19 11

Agrona Vritra

I stood within the dragon castle, a place I stayed countless times when I was younger, when I believed in Kezess, and now, I am the dragon god, I have his body, his army, it is all mine. The people here don't know it, and they won't, Kezess doesn't speak much, and keeping to myself is what I do best.

They won't disobey an order, the few dragons that are left, the damn brat managed to wipe out at least ninety percent of Kezess's force. The ones that are left are losing faith as well, but still, they would never do anything against me.

I have already gained control of all of Kezess's abilities, it appears Virion's blood magic is what made it possible for him to block me from learning things from simply reading his mind. I have to admit, that kid was a true monster, I still can't believe I created him.

Static void is easy to manage, but my abilities are not what is important right now. If Virion Leywin was alive, he would be coming here right now with those children of his to wipe out the rest of the dragons, but since he isn't, no one has suggested, or they are waiting.

The Hamadryads are done, their force was decimated with ease it seems like, the only ones who are left are the women and children within their cities, but they aren't fighter, at least most of the ones that are left.

The Leviathans were wiped out by Kezess and Virion, and are now loyal to Alacrya, most likely under a mind slave spell. I give Virion credit for that as well, that brat thought of everything to make it so no one could betray him.

My Vritras are all gone, the half-breeds and the few that are left are in Alacrya, under Virion's, or whoever is in charge their control. However, the other basilisk clans here are not, there aren't a lot, and they seem to be out of this whole war, but I plan on sending word for them to bring their army to us for aid. I'll make sure they listen, they'll know it's me, eyes for only the head clan members.

Now, it's time to raise the banners of Epheotus, there is a threat, and they now know that it is a serious one. Alacrya must be destroyed, as well as every single Lesser, and when the clans hear of the news, they will show.

The Phoenix clan, a very peaceful one, is already sending aid to us at my request, Kezess's request after hearing what has gone down. They don't want to meet the same fate the Lost Prince did after he disobeyed Kezess.

Right there was around five to seven thousand beings that can destroy a continent almost single handedly against normal Lessers. They aren't the strongest fighters though, as I said, they are peaceful and don't train as much in combat as the other clans.

The Sylph's are already here, their army of ten thousand sits outside with our small force of dragons that are left, preparing for future battles together as they know it is inevitable. They are wind users, wind spirits, and can cause tremendous damage.

The Titans and the Pantheons are where I'm struggling, I sent word, and Lord Ademir should be here any minute now, but Lord Grandus hasn't responded, usually when Kezess's sends something to you, there is some urgency to a respone.

I needed both those clans, especially Lord Ademir and the pantheons, they were the key to success. Ten thousand of their troops is like half a million added to the force, they could kill twenty mages with a single punch.

The Titans had numbers, and their creation type mana arts adds on to their numbers, so taking possession of their force is also key to everything, but I think if Lord Ademir joins me, Lord Grandus will as well.

Together, we should be able to destroy Alacrya, Virion Leywin isn't alive anymore, and he won't be able to save that pathetic race. Lady Myre, or Myre I should say, my wife is you want to call it that, was within the meeting room with me, sitting at a table as I stared out the window that overlooked the mountain side.

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