Dicathen in Ruin Pt. II

181 19 13

Bairon Wykes

I shot through the air, tackling the dragon heading towards Raven, but it saw me coming, allowing me to come at it. Lightning danced all over my body, protecting me for a split second as it stunned the dragon's hand, and I pushed him away.

A claw came down on me from another, I side stepped in the air, spun, felt a blade enter my shoulder, but I pushed electricity off of me and onto the blade, causing the dragon to drop it. I felt a claw hit my side, and at the pain, a thunder bolt struck down on me.

When it hit me, the dragons were launched away, and I took out the spear I received from Taci, spinning it in my hands as I prepared myself for battle. There was already blood pouring down my silver armor, but I was fine, it wasn't anything serious, not yet at least.

I felt a blade come down, I side stepped, shot lightning forward, the dragon merely moved away like it was the easiest thing in the world, then another claw collided with my shoulder sending me flying through the sky.

As I flew, another dragon came at me, a sword in his hands, he was in a human form, and as his blade came down, I tried to stop myself, but couldn't in time, he was going to cut me pretty badly.

I was about to release a lightning strike in all directions, but a blade came out of nowhere and Raven appeared in front of me. "Eyes up, Lance." She told me, kicking the dragon away. "Fight on the ground, they excel in combat in the sky."

I nodded, knowing she was right, and the two of us dropped to the ground, flying downwards, I could feel them behind me, but with Raven with me, I felt a little safer. I shouldn't feel safe, but I did, this wasn't what I was expecting.

I landed, spun the spear, deflected a sword, then drove it into the hand of a dragon, I felt the spear absorb the mana within it, and the dragon pulled away, bleeding as it did. "We can't stay here for long." I heard Raven say as she was hit from the side, her blade blocked it, but blood ran down her leg. "You know what's going to happen."

"I do." I said, pushing mana into my body, knowing I wasn't meant to survive this fight, but I was going to. I was a Lesser, that's all I'll ever be to these fuckers, but now I can prove myself, not to them, but to myself. "Kill as many as we can, what's the timetable?"

As I asked, another dragon came from above, splitting us up, and I shot away from here, not hearing an answer. I glided through buildings that were either destroyed or burning, the dragons were hot on my tail.

They would have been on me already if it wasn't for a clone of Raven who blocked the path, then got destroyed. I spun on a different street, feeling my mana surging out of me as I pushed electricity at them, letting it tingle across the air.

It connected with one, zapping him and stunning him for a second, my spear shot at his head, trying to kill him, but the dragon merely regained control and swatted my spear away. I felt for my ruin on my back, the Regalia I had gained from the Alacryan staff and pushed mana into it, not having a choice, needing to use it.

"Electric Field!"

I felt the energy surge out of me, forming a twenty yard parameter in all directions, the dragons inside were shocked constantly by bolts shooting back and forth off the walls of the field. "Hahhaa." The one dragon laughed at me as he continued walking my way. "You think this will stop us?"

"I don't need it to stop you." I told him, spinning my spear in my hands as I felt a dragon land outside the barrier, it was a black dragon, fully formed, reminding me of Sylvie's large form when she shifts into it. "I only need to slow you down."

"Even then, you think you ----"

He was cut off as Raven slid into the field, I redirected the bolts heading towards her away, and her blade sliced through the dragon like it was nothing, cutting him into two. "Keep this up!" Raven shouted, smiling, smirking as two more of her clones appeared randomly.

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