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I stepped out of the stairs and into the hall, the third floor of Taegrin Caelum where my family and friends were. Regis was still asleep within my core, recovering from using aether and the battle, without him, without destruction, I was doomed, he deserved the nap.

"Arthur!" A voice cried out, and standing within the hallway, between rooms, were the Twin Horns, plus my father, who was technically a Twin Horn. "You are back!" It was Helen who was smiling, running my way, my father quick behind her with Jasmine and Adam.

"I am." I said with a smile, a slight one, taking her into a hug. "It's good to see that all of you are doing well." They don't even know that I was a clone for the past couple days, but, I'll let it slide for now, right now, it wasn't time to be mad at Virion.

"We are." My father said, stepping in, hugging me, I embraced his hug. "Did everything go according to your brother's plan? When we last said our goodbyes, he said he didn't know how things were going to play out, but we spoke to El before she passed out, it seemed everything went well."

I froze for a second as we parted, looking at them as they circled me, Adam and Durden gave me a head nod, Jasmine stared with a smile on her face, then I spoke. "We should talk about that." I looked around. "But first, dad, can I speak with mom and you?"

It wasn't just him who gave me a confused but knowing look, but the whole group. "Of course, Arthur." He answered, looking back towards one of the rooms. "I'll go and grab her; she was with Tess."


As he left to get her, the Twin Horns stayed, and looked to me. "Arthur, what's wrong?" Jasmine asked. "I've been with you for a while, I went into the dungeons with you, and even now, I know that look on your face."

"Let me tell them first." I told them, speaking softly. "They are going to need you." They went silent, faces not becoming pale, but they know and feel that something is up. "But for now, you all should know that the plan did work, most of the dragons are dead from what I've been told."

"That's good." Helen answered. "Whatever is going on, at least they took a massive blow. We were surprised Veer moved us from Itri to this place, thought we weren't good enough to be this close to him."

At those words, I looked away, somewhat flinching, and it was Adam who spoke next. "It's Veer, isn't it?" I didn't respond, and at that, my mother and father came out of the room, the Twin Horns had wide eyes, knowing already what I had to say.

"Art!" My mother said, stepping towards me, the Twin Horns backed away and I took her into my embrace, holding her tight, knowing she was going to need this love, not just for today, but maybe for the rest of her life to keep herself alive. "You are back!"

My father stepped toward a door, inside there were no mana signatures, so I figured there was no one in there. "I am." I said, backing away slightly, but placing my hand on my mother's cheek. "How are you feeling, mom?"

"I'm fine, Arthur, you know that." She said, pushing my hands away, smiling as I looked up at father then back toher. "I should be the one asking you, didn't you just fight gods?" I felt my eyes starting to water, but I pushed past it for her.

"I did, I did." I said, taking my hand and placing it on her shoulder as we started towards the door. "We won, the dragons are in disarray, most are dead, it all went according to plan." We entered the room and as the door closed, I knew the moment was coming quicker than I would like. "You two should sit on the bed."

"Oh, okay." My mother said, looking up at me with a confused look, the two of them made their way to the bed in the room, sitting down on it. "Your sister is in the other room healing, she wasn't happy with your brother, but from what I heard, she did well."

My Beginning After the End TerminationWhere stories live. Discover now