Battle with Hamadryads Pt. I

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I stepped through the portal, appearing in the small city of Maerin, within the Etril Dominion, right on the edge of the continent. "Battle formations!" Someone shouted, and as they did, the Wraiths within and outside the city started to run around even more than they were.

I flew up into the sky, overlooking them, giving myself a better few. I noticed that there were about one hundred thousand Wraiths, right here, and they were getting into battle formations because growing out of the ground right outside the edge of the continent were hamadryads, a lot of them.

I'd say about ten thousand hamadryads, not a lot in numbers, but power scale, they outnumbered us ten to one, not the other way around, and truthfully, it was probably more like fifteen to one. I'd say more than two Wraith squads might be needed to take down one of them, which means a lot, but there's always luck and miscues.

The hamadryads were getting into position as well, so this was the plan, they were attacking at the same time as the dragons. It makes sense, Virion said that the dragons and hamadryads were the closest allies within Epheotus.

I wanted to fight Kezess though, hell, at least I'll be able to fight hamadryads, that's better than nothing. I turned my attention to another portal opening to my side, in the sky, and as it did, Ivy, Melody, and Cassandra flew through.

"Steady." Ivy said, looking at the two of them. "Are you sure you guys are ready to fly like this?" Ivy asked, looking at the two newly transformed vritras who were still getting used to their bodies. 

"We are fine." Melody told her. "This isn't good though." All our eyes went to the hamadryads preparing to fight outside the city, they were trying to invade, or massacre, probably massacre us. "I know we are prepared, but this, we still need luck to fight off them."

"We could use Gunnar." Cassandra said. "Just get rid of Etril, there would be less room for everyone, but we would basically be setting up the battlefield for weeks to come." Ivy was silent as she was smiling down at the hamadryads.

"No, Cassandra, that wouldn't be worth it, and well, it's too late for that. The Wraiths would die, and we need them right now." Melody told her sister, and the two both nodded their heads, agreeing with what was just said. "It'll be tough, but we can handle them."

"I'm worried about Veer, though." Cassandra said, changing the subject. "He seemed, I don't know, off." I agreed with that, the last time I saw him he was acting funny, but I didn't want to say anything to him. 

"He'll be fine." Melody told her. "Nithe and Raven are both a little injures, they'll be joining the fight if it comes to it, but this is it." I was about to ask about Rosa, but she spoke some more before I could do so. "Rosa is in Truacia preparing the blood army for an attack on Itri if they head there."

"She is spacing the troops out throughout the continent, correct?" I asked, and they nodded. "The Dicatheons are being spaced out all over the Dominion, we can't just focus on protecting Itri, even if its were all the important people are." The important people to Veer, but as I was thinking this, another portal opened up.

"There's more people coming here to aid us." Melody said. "I just got word from a clone, when Virion told everyone was what happening, they offered to aid us in the battle." I nodded, not knowing who was going to fly through the portal.

The first person was Eleanor Leywin, Arthur and Veer's sister, she had on a brown chest plate, her haired tied back, and the two vritra horns coming out of her head pokes up into the sky. She was wearing a very serious face, but I was surprised to see her here.

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