Inner Battle Pt. I

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Virion Leywin

What the fuck is going on?

I slowly opened my eyes, and when I did, I could see that I was in a dimension space, well, no, if I had to guess this was my soul, my after life, something like that. All I could see in every direction was red, not blood, just red, however, I could still see my hands, chests, legs, all of that.

It was just me, here, alone, in this red space, dead. "Fuck." I said out loud, bored already, not understanding where I am, or why I am here. I knew why, I died to Kezess, I wanted that, but I knew I didn't really die.

I assumed the only way to get rid of that fucking spell within me that Agrona placed was to die, but I needed to let it take over first, and the best time and place to let Agrona take over was against the mighty god Kezess and my brother with a weakened body.

Hades knew, the whole point was for Arthur not to care when he had to take Agrona out within me, if he hesitated, he wouldn't live, and Agrona would be free forever. I had my bond cut all connections with everyone a while ago, he had no control over the clones, anything, he just had my abilities, which he had to figure out how to use.

"That's not Veer!" I heard a voice, but I didn't see anybody, it sounded like, I don't know, I couldn't really hear the voice completely. I'd say it was Arthur, no, maybe Hades, I don't know, I really didn't.

"Forgive me for this."  I heard my own voice this time, but it was not me speaking. "But to me, you've been dead for years now." At that, the voice halted, and they went away, leaving me in confusion as they did.

I shook my head in confusion, figuring it was them speaking outside of my body, it had to be, those sentences didn't make any sense to me. Well, back to what I was thinking, the reason I had to die was to get rid of that spell.

I had my body weakened in the battle with the green headed fuck, I forget his name, and Kezess, that way when Agrona took over, he wasn't in a fully healed and healthy body. I also weakened Kezess, so that Arthur could fight him and win against us both.

I hope it works out, otherwise I might stay in this world of red forever, I mean, I'm starting to like the view. "Hahahaha." I laughed to myself, still in my Beast Will phase three. As long as Melody and Cassandra listen to me, and do what I wanted, Alacrya should be safe.

The Dragons, Vritras, and Leviathans were basically all gone now, there were some, but most were dead. I'm hoping that most of the Hamadryads are dead as well, so that's four clans, gone, wiped out of existence.

The other four weren't as strong, but they were still asuran clans, and I had to imagine, the pantheons and titans, they, they were going to be an issue. I have no clue about the others, truly, no clue at all.

I'll take care of it if I get out of this alive, but that's a big, big, big if. I mean, I basically had my body completely destroyed, and now it was fighting against Kezess and Arthur, maybe, who knows what is going on.

If everything goes according to plan, Kezess will be dead, and Agrona will be dead, leaving just the clans. I tried to say my goodbyes, but I didn't really get to everyone, which was fine, I had faith, sort of, I'll see them again.

"You'll never see them again." I heard a voice say from behind me, and as I turned to meet who it was, a blade came at my face. I smiled as I felt for the mana, but noticed that this whole room, area, I don't know, was mana.

A sword formed in my hand, and I parried the attack, and as I did, the person who sent the attack slid past me and to a halt. "Agrona." I said with joy as I felt mana moving into his hand, so I disrupted the spell using blood magic. "I figured you be here, but not like this." I shook my head with a smile. "You are me, it's weird, seeing you like this."

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