Her New Ending

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Arthur Leywin

It wasn't good, I didn't know if I would even be able to keep on fighting, my flesh was already torn apart, my blood was scattered all over the field, and my head wasn't in it anymore. I was still trying to figure out how I was fighting Sylvia, and what she meant by my form, it all just doesn't add up.

I pushed myself up, using wind magic to do it, and as I got to my feet, I pushed aether into my body, trying to heal it to a point where I could fight. I looked up while I did that and watched as Regis was clawing at Sylvia but doing little to no damage.

My eyes then went to Sylvie, she was on the ground unmoving, breathing though, I think she was knocked out cold. I started to slow my breathing, calming myself as I healed up, then I started building up mana and aether.

I pushed electricity through me, speeding my body up, improving my reflexes, then pushed aether into my limbs as well. I looked back to Sylvia, and got ready to strike, letting the wind build up behind me, preparing to propel forward.

I'm hoping that she is the last enemy, because I don't think I can take on someone else after this fight, my body is decomposing, and I rather it didn't. I shot forward, and as I did, Regis felt me coming and ran my way.

He faded into my body, and I conjured another sword and brought it up to Sylvia's throat as she turned my way. She side stepped it, threw a punch, missed, then I slit her side, felt a punch coming my way again, and rolled under it and slit her ankle.

Sylvie was still unmoving, and without her shields to protect me, I don't know if I can win this by myself. I was going to try, and I was going to find a way to win, I had to for everyone I loved, I couldn't allow Sylvie to die here, or anyone else that might be here within the Relictombs.

I god stepped into Sylvia, feeling the wounds on me pouring out blood, but it didn't matter, I pushed past that pain, knowing I had to for the sake of everyone. I brought my sword upwards, she back stepped, through a punch at my stomach, but I god stepped away, spun and deflected another blast away from me.

I coughed up blood, knowing I wasn't supposed to god step anymore, every time I attempted to, I felt something within me erupt, I didn't know what, but it was for sure an organ or something, and the damage made me spasm a little.

I stopped, redirected Sylvia's hand away from me, brought the back of my sword handle into her face, but she side stepped it, spun and slammed a fist into my face. I stumbled backwards, dodged her next blow, then rolled under a mana blast.

I got to my feet, sending a strike towards her stomach, but she redirected the blade away into the ground. I back stepped, pulling my blade out of it, then backed up to swat her hand to the side of me.

I pushed wind out of my body to redirect myself, slid away from him, then deflected the next punch. Her eyes never left me, she continued to stare at me as she pursued me, throwing punch after punch my way that launched mana in each blow.

I slid to the side, brought my blade up, slashed her extended arm, then knocked her back with a shoulder to the stomach, spun and slashed her chest, felt mana coming my way and moved slightly.

I didn't get away in time and it collided with my face, I coughed up more blood, then deflected her next strike away, shot a wind blade at her, she dodged it with ease, but she was now bleeding as well.

"You can't keep this up, dear." She said, looking at me with a smile, a caring one. "Let me end this quickly, there won't be any pain, I promise." I ignored her, not wanting to die here.

I shot forward, swinging my sword up towards her face, she deflected it with mana, then swung her fist at my face. I back stepped, brought my blade up, slicing her arm slightly, dodged the next strike.

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