Not Allies

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I was still standing in the room, Arthur and Cecilia had rejoined me, Seris and Caera left, leaving four of us in here now. I think my brother has determined what he wants to do, so it was time to figure out if he was going to listen to me or not.

I opened my connection back up to Hades. 'You are mean.' He told me, I could feel him pouting because I blocked him out. 'Also, you should have told me about the clones, Veer, I could have helped you.'

'If I would have told you about the clones, if I would have told anyone about them. All I would have heard in return was that I shouldn't do something like that, and that my family would hate me if they knew.'

'Because they will.' Hades told me, and I shrugged, facing Arthur now as Sylvie joined us in the center of the room.

"So?" I said, looking at him, annoyed by all of this. "What is it going to be?" I had almost everything set up for him, I just had to get the city ready, and I would only start that at his word of a approval, even though I didn't need it.

"We will go along with your plan." Arthur told me, and I nodded, feeling a little bit better. "But there are some rules we want you to follow." I laughed, and he went silent, waiting for me to stop, which took me about five to ten seconds. "If you don't follow them, we won't do what you want."

"If you don't do what I want, you'll die." I told him, I was tired of this bullshit, they clearly are stupider there I thought. I was about to tell them that, but Sylvie shot me an annoyed look, matching the one that was on my face. "Just tell me the rules."

"First, you must tell us what you are going to do at all times." 

"Arthur, I am the King of a continent, how do you expect me to tell you what I am doing at all times?" I told him, waving my hands up. "That rule is plain stupid, now, telling you everything regarding this plan, well, that's different. I can do that, but telling you that I'm in a meeting, in the shower, you know, that's ridiculous." 

"Fine." Arthur agreed with me on that point, he better have because I was about to just walk out, abduct my loved ones, and call it a day. "Second, you aren't allowed to enslave anymore people."

"Ohhh, but what's the fun in not being able to enslave people if I can't do it." I said sarcastically to him, then added. "I don't need to anymore, from here on out, I'm killing everything I see as an enemy."

It took him a second or two to take in my words, but when he did, he got to his last stupid rule. "Lastly, you must leave a clone in the dungeon here, and you have to bring Seris back with you to Alacrya, Regis will stay in here to make sure you don't mind control her. That way we can communicate."

"Hahahaha." I laughed at him, looking at the ground now, it was probably obnoxious, but these rules were just so funny, actually, they were obnoxious as well. "You guys really don't trust me, haha, I totally understand, truly, I do, but Seris isn't welcomed in Alacrya anymore."

"Then the deals off." Arthur told me. "If you don't follow these rules, we won't follow through with your plan. We'll figure out another way to survive, maybe go into the Relictombs, I don't know, but we won't do what you want."

"Actually, going into the Relictombs wouldn't be a bad idea." I told him, and he just went silent. "It would allow me to complete my plan still, you know how hard it is doing what I'm doing, creating so many clones, it's like really hard to control."

"Veer, act serious." Sylvie ordered. "This is important, you want us to help you, and we want your help, but both sides need to reach an agreement." She waved a hand at Arthur. "We want a reason to trust you again, please, do this for us."

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