Battle between Clans Pt. II

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Virion Leywin

"Charge!" Windsom's voice called out, and at that word, everyone started running into the portal, I felt my heart beating, knowing what was about to go down. This was going to be a very big battle, and I couldn't wait.

"What are you waiting for, Devil?" Herneus asked, looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Are you scared?" I wanted to kill him, but I couldn't, at least I knew he would die, I read Windsom's mind, I knew what Kezess was doing with him.

"I'm terrified." I said, smiling as I shot forward with the other dragons running into battle, and as Herneus joined me, we entered the portal together, and as we did, I felt the mana flowing in the atmosphere all around me already.

When I exited the portal, the Leviathan army was standing in front of the ocean within a field, not a shore, facing our way. I could see the dragons flying down from the sky through their portals, they were huge, but behind the army of Leviathans, there were these beast in the water, the Leviathans' beast form, they had tentacles reaching out of the water, pointing right at the dragons raining down on them.

"Keep moving!" Herneus shouted, and spells lit the sky, mana flowed, and the battle grew more and more as thousands of asuras collided. The Levithans in front of me shot water spells at me, manipulating it in ways no Dicatheon mage could.

I dodged them with ease, conjured some illusions around me, duplicating myself, and as the front lines of the forces collided, I conjured a void blade in my hands and went to work. I swung my blade upwards; a Leviathan swung a water whip coming out of their hands at it, smacking it to the side, then ducked my punch.

I felt a pitchfork of a hand coming at my face from the side, I back stepped, conjured a black spike into the Leviathan's chest, but he side stepped it, then was taken out by another dragon. "Hahahah!" I laughed, this was fun, I'm so happy I was able to come to this.

I swung my blade back at the one who dodged my attack previously, he side stepped, then I conjured two small black spikes into his feet and his eyes widened in pain. "Dirty trick, Devil!" He said, and I smiled as I took his head off with a swing of my sword, then got knocked back as a water scythe sliced my side, blood gushed to the ground.

I pushed the limited blood magic I had to the wound, making sure to keep my illusion active. I couldn't reveal it yet, if they knew I wasn't Virion, the plan would fall apart, the dragons would know everything.

I conjured another sword in my off hand, holding them both at my side as my wound closed, then shot into the Leviathans, swinging my sword upwards, cutting the chest of a Leviathan fighting a dragon, then spinning and deflecting a spear coming down on my head.

"Hahaha, nice try!" I said, kicking the female leviathan away from me, then slicing another on the knee, causing them to fall, then taking their head. I wasn't supposed to kill a lot of them, but enough to keep my position safe.

Herneus was swinging a flaming sword, like the actual blade was fire, something we could almost all do, but the intensity of his flames was legit. I could see them burning the flesh of the Leviathans even when water hit them, it was crazy, cool though.

Dragons and Leviathans were fighting over the ocean, the dragons were flying into the water, tackling the leviathans, clawing at them. The mana fluctuations all around me could be felt, it was a weird sensation, a powerful one, there was so much movement it was hard to keep track, actually, there was no way to keep track.

I just focused on what was ahead of me, dodging a water scythe, then a sword, jumped over a spike of water that shot up out of the ground at me. My blade connected with another sword, then I spun and elbowed a Leviathan in the face, and as they fell back from the blow, I drove my sword into his gut, killing him.

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