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"Yeah, I knew a regular meteor would have been stopped by a couple of you, so instead, I created a spell." His eyes didn't leave the flaming boulders crashing down, about to land in about thirty seconds. "And a person capable of using it, let's just say, this spell, well, it's just like the World Eater technique."

A portal opened behind me, and I waved my hand at Kezess, smirking as I fell back into it, appearing in Alacrya, in Taegrin Caelum. I knew Kezess was just going to teleport away, but that wasn't going to be the case for most of the other asuras. They could go up to stop the meteors, but even so, they were going to be injured or killed.

Even gods can't stop certain things, and a spell that has different types of mana, aether, blood magic that counters certain spells imbedded into the surrounding barrier of the rock, of course it's going to kill in large numbers.

The blood magic within the meteors will reduce the asuras to nothing, making it impossible for them to use mana against them, and to counter the flames and rocks when hit by them, basically, my son's spell made them mortal in a sense, only for a little of course, they needed to be hit by the spell.

No, that's not the right world, it made them human for a moment, which was all that was needed to reduce them to ash.

"It's done." I said, looking at Selena, Melody, Cassandra, and my children, then a sudden earthquake shook us, the meteors have hit, and they have for sure dealt a serious blow. "Wow, I need to take a fucking shower, Kezess cut me pretty fucking badly, got my clothes all bloody."

Hades slithered out of my leg and went towards the couch, Selena stepped my way, and kissed me. "I was worried." She said, the ground shook a little more as she kissed me again. "I knew you said you weren't going to find him for long, but still, Kezess is the strongest being in the world."

We could feel the vibrations of the meteors all the way in Alacrya, it was still shaking, not a lot, but it could be felt, which just shows the power of the spell. It was a world eater technique, it could wipe out Dicathen if released upon it.

"I'm fine, Selena." I assured her, feeling completely fine right now, even though I was cut pretty badly. "Let's just be happy we fun, and get out forces into formations around the continent, Ivy, Nithe, Raven, Rosa, can you do that?"

"Yes." Ivy said, but as she did, she looked down at the ground, on it, was Damon's corpse. "Is there anything we can do?" I went silent, staring at my son's body, aching a little at the sight. 

"He saved my life." Raven said, her crazy side nowhere to be seen, she was sad, it was clear to me. "Killed Herneus protecting me." I was proud of that, and I wanted him to live, I wanted all my children to see the day when the gods were gone, so losing him hurts.

"There's nothing we can do." I said, shaking my head with a sad expression. "I'll have clones bring his corpse down to Agrona's lab, so all of you can say your goodbyes." Two clones teleported in and stepped in front of my children, picking up my son's body. "He did his part; I only wish I saw Kezess coming."

"We have the final reports of our side." Melody said, looking at me, changing the subject, but as she did, another portal opened up and my new son, Gunner, stepped through. He has been practicing that spell and doing his best to control it, obviously, it isn't easy, but I made his body for that specific reason.

"Gunner, welcome." I said, shooting him a slight smile, still feeling down about Damon, and well, my body wasn't in the best of shapes right now. "You are finally here in Taegrin Caelum, it must feel good."

"It's does." He said with a smile on his face, he had gold eyes, short, wavy, silver hair, skinny, but he was fit, and he was wearing a black cloak like mine. "I'm just happy I got to participate in that battle, father."

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