You started a War!

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Walking in the halls of the palace were Seris, Cecilia, Veer, and I, heading towards the meeting room. Sylvie was coming, Regis was inside of me, and the Lances were gathering, Caera was waiting, Nico, well, I didn't know where he was.

"So, I can feel Sylvie heading this way, did you tell our mother to stay away from me?" Veer asked, turning around to meet my gaze. I made him walk in front of me, so he couldn't try anything. Cecilia was with him, Seris was at my side. 

"Yes." I told him, and I could see a flicker of an emotion I haven't seen in quite a while, years, it was sadness. "I was going to say the same thing to Sylvie, but she wasn't going to listen to me." This caused Virion to laugh a little as he faced forward, so I asked him. "Why? Why did you kill me?"

"We've already had this conversation, and I don't want to do it again." Virion told me, still looking forward, and as he did, the guards we passed, their eyes widened at the sight of their former Lance, now an enemy. "Let's not get into it, what's done is done.

"What's done is done?!" I exclaimed, stepping up and grabbing his shoulder to turn him around so he was looking at me in the hallways, the guards around us scattered, leaving us alone. "You killed me! You started a war! Don't give me that bullshit!"

"Fine." He said, knocking my hand off his arm, looking me in the eyes, his expression the same. "I did it for you, for everyone, for Sylvie, I did it so that Agrona would be dead, and I would have an army capable of standing up against Kezess." He paused, waved his hand up in the air and turned back around. "Is that better, Arthur? I killed you to save you, I knew I could bring you back, it was a risk, but it was one I was willing to take."

"Oh, yeah, cause a normal person would take that risk, Veer, kill your brother, not actually knowing if you can bring him back." Cecilia and him started walking away, but I stopped them again. "Veer! Don't turn away from me, this isn't over, I'm tired of this shit, I'm tired of you, I'm tired of everything. I have children now; I can't trust you anymore."

"Jeez." Virion said, holding his arms up at me. "I understand, you don't have to trust me, I know you hate me, it's fine, I've accepted it." At those words, I noticed something in my brother, his eyes closed, and his one hand went to his head, silence grew at the sight.

"Veer?" I said his name questioningly, confused about what was happening. "Are you alright?"

"Yep, I'm fine." He said, opening his eyes and shaking his head. "Back to what I was saying." Veer paused, it seemed like he was trying to remember what he had been talking about, but then went on. "I've accepted that you hate me, and that others do too, but I'm here to make sure none of you die."

I just stared at him, trying to understand what had just happened, but I couldn't put a finger on it. 'You good?' Regis asked, sensing my curiosity, confusion, and anger. He may be here to help, but that doesn't matter, I can't forgive him for what he has done.

'Yeah.' I said, getting over what had just happened to Veer. "At least you know you hurt the people you love, that's good, mom maybe the only person who genially cares for like she did before, and dad."

"I care for him." Sylvie's voice rang out to our right, she was coming down a different hallway, and as she spoke, we turned to him. "And Arthur, you care for him too, you just hate him as well, and you should."

"Sylvie." Veer said, looking at the girl he once loved, and maybe still does. "It's good to see you again, alive, and back to normal." Sylvie stopped her approach as she stood beside Seris, looking at my brother, searching for something. 

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