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One month later Kara woke up to throbbing pains coming from her abdomen and a soaked bed. "Lena....LENA! For the love of FUCK! GET UP!" Kara yelled out. Lena jumped out of bed like lighting had struck her. "It's time?" Lena gasped. "YES IT'S FUCKING TIME! Get our shit and get me to a hospital!" Kara yelled out in a panic. Lena raced around their penthouse grabbing everything in sight before quickly getting into a pair of sweatpants and a sweater. It was winter after all. "Ok! Come on! It's baby time!" Lena yelled as they got onto the elevator.

Fifteen minutes later and some more yelling on Kara's part they were at the hospital and in their reserved room. Kara was getting hooked up to all the proper machines. "Have they gotten here yet?" Kara asked. "Everyone is on their way. Just stay calm darling...everything will be ok." Lena cooed. Kara grabbed Lena's sweater and pulled her down. "Do. Not. Tell. Me. To. Stay. Calm. I'm preparing to push a watermelon out a hole the size of a damn grapefruit!" Kara growled. "Ice chips? You want ice chips?" Lena asked. "Yes!" Kara groaned.

A few minutes later everyone arrived. Lilian and Eliza were quickly taken to the delivery room and took seats in the chairs. "How long have the contractions been lasting?" Eliza asked. "They last about a minute each and they've increased from five apart to two minutes apart." Lena replied. "And how far dilated?" Lilian asked. "Five centimeters ten minutes ago." Lena said. "UGHHHHHH!" Kara yelled out all the sudden causing everyone to jump. "And thats another contraction!" Lena said.

A little while later Kara's legs were up in the stirrups, a doctor between her legs, Lena on her right side, and her mother and Lilian on her left side. The nurses were watching the monitors while Kara clung to Lena's hand. "AHHHHRRRRRGGGHHHH!" Kara cried out as she pushed. "Again Mrs. Luthor again!" The doctor said. Kara pushed again and again till she heard the most beautiful sound in the world. Crying. Their daughter was here. Morgan Athena Luthor had made herself known.

Kara watched as the nurses took her away to clean her up before letting her emotions flow. Tears fell like rain from her eyes as the doctor and other nurse cleared away everything down on the bed. "Hey...darling..you did so good..." Lena cooed as she gently kissed Kara's sweat glistened forehead. Kara went to say something but was quickly interrupted by the nurse laying Morgan on her chest. "She's so beautiful.." Kara whispered as she looked at the tiny baby wrapped up in the pink blanket.

"She's perfect." Lena gushed. "Yes she is." Lilian added. "Perfectly perfect!" Eliza said. All four of them had smiles on their faces. "I think it's time to get everyone else in here." Lena said. "Yes." Kara replied. Eliza and Lilian left the room to walk down the long hallway to get everyone else. The only ones missing the event were Lionel, Lex and Eve, who were now back on the other side of the country busy with business.

Alex was the first one other than Lena and Kara to hold Morgan in her arms. Alex may be a big bad lesbian to the outside world...but right then and there as she held her newborn niece in her arms she was just a stuffed teddy bear with tears in her eyes as she looked down at Morgan's tiny body. "Hey...hey...Morgan...I'm your Aunt Alex..." Alex whispered. "You ok Kar?" Lena asked from where she lay next to her in the hospital bed. "I'm a little tired..." Kara replied. "Get some rest love. Our daughter's still being passed about..I'll wake you when the nurse comes back in to help you nurse." Lena said. "Oh...ok... I love you.." Kara hummed. "I love you too darling...now rest." Lena whispered. Slowly Kara fell asleep laying her head on Lena's shoulder as she did so.

A few hours later and a few lessons on how to nurse everyone was asleep inside the hospital room. Alex and Sam, Maggie, Lilian and Eliza all returned home. Lena was wrapped around Kara and little Morgan was sound asleep in the hospital provided crib.

Learning...to Trust...to Love...to Feel...AgainWhere stories live. Discover now