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It's been three weeks since Kara and Lena returned from the doctors. Right now Kara's at work doing a puff piece when it hits her. She quickly got up from her desk and ran to the nearest bathroom. Kara quickly locked the door before she knelt down in front of the toilet. After emptying her stomach contents she rinsed her mouth out with some water and returned to work. She didn't think much of it as she continued on with her day. At lunch time she headed to see Lena at her office.

"Hey darling! How are you feeling?" Lena asked as she sat next to Kara on the sofa. "I'm ok...what did you order for lunch?" Kara asked. "I ordered some Chinese food. Just some orange chicken and some rice." Lena said. Hearing what Lena said Kara stood up and ran to the private bathroom and slammed the door behind her and again...began emptying out her stomach. "KARA!" Lena yelled out as she read after her wife. She busted through the bathroom door and ran over to where Kara was. Lena held Kara's hair and rubbed her back slowly. "It's ok...it's ok...darling...let it out...I'm here..." Lena cooed.

When Kara finished emptying her stomach she collapsed against Lena's chest. "Kara...are you ok?" Lena whispered. "No...I got sick a few hours ago at work...and then now...I'm so sorry." Kara replied. "Darling, no need to be sorry. It's ok." Lena replied. "I...I don't think Chinese food would be good for me..." Kara replied sadly. "That's ok, how about I order some soup and get you some crackers. And I'll order a salad for myself...would that be ok?"  Lena suggested. "Yea..." Kara whispered. "Come on love...let me help you get to the sofa, and you can have a lie down." Lena said.

Lena wrapped her arm around Kara and walked her to the sofa and helped her lay down on it, she removed her shoes and putting a pillow underneath her head. "Want some water or something?" Lena asked. "No...I'm ok...you go back to work..." Kara said. "Kara...work can wait. You are more important than work, have you tried taking a test?" Lena asked. "No...I don't have any. Nor did I want to go to the shop to get one and have it land in the papers or something." Kara replied. "I'll have Jess go get a few. You stay right here love." Lena said. Kara could only nod at her wife as she walked out to where jess was.

"Jess.." Lena said. "Yes?" Jess asked looking up from her work. "Can you do me a favor...and keep it quiet?" Lena asked. "Of course! What is it?" Jess asked. Lena leaned in and whispered in her ear. Jess nodded and left for the elevator. Lena quickly returned to her office and sat on the sofa and pulled Kara into her arms. "Jess is gone to get the stuff and our food...just relax now darling...it's gonna be alright." Lena whispered.

A little while later Jess returned with serval bags in her hands. "Here it is. I'll be out here if you need anything else." Jess said as she handed everything off to Lena. "Thank you." Lena replied before shutting the door again. "Kara...let's eat some food then you can go try one of the tests." Lena said. Kara nodded and sat up slowly and took the soup from Lena. They ate in silence not sure of what to say in the moment. Kara managed to eat most of the soup and crackers before sipping some water. "I'll...uh..be right back..." Kara said as she stood up grabbing the bag with the tests in them she headed back to the bathroom.

Lena was not sure if she was supposed to follow her or remain where she is. She chose to pace back and forth in front of the bathroom door. Kara had used all ten of the tests and had emerged from the bathroom after setting the timer that Jess bought. "How long?" Lena asked. "Three minutes for all of them." Kara replied softly as she wrapped her arms around Lena's waist. "It's gonna be ok darling. Whatever the tests say we'll be ok." Lena whispered. "I know...I'm just nervous Lee." Kara replied. "I know darling...I know. I'm nervous too." Lena admitted.


The timer went off! Both women walked into the bathroom and looked at the sink where they sat. "I can't look! What do they say?" Kara asked as she hid her head in Lena's chest. Leaning her head around Kara to see the tests.

Learning...to Trust...to Love...to Feel...AgainWhere stories live. Discover now