When we come back I still do not have any good ideas.
When I go to school Julia starts talking to me.
"Hey Diana... you know Sara, my friend, don't you?"
I nod. "She's Josh's young sister."
"I know. But she is not that young. She is 16."
I look at Julia. Why does she tell me that?
"Um... and you're friends with Harry, aren't you?"
"Yes, Julia. Harry is a very good friend. Why do you want to know that?"
She completely ignores my question.
"Do you know if he likes... um... a girl?"
"Yes. He loves Leanne. She's the love of his life and he misses her very much. She's the only girl for him."
"Are you sure?" Julia asks and looks at me.
"Yes. Yes, I am sure."
"But... don't you think he could fall in love with another girl one day?"
"Harry is the most popular boy of our whole school. He could have any girl. But he only wants Leanne. Why do you ask me such questions? Do you have a crush on him?"
Julia shakes her head. "No! I have a boyfriend!"
She has a boyfriend? "Who's your boyfriend?"
"He's in my class. I don't think you know him. But do you think Harry likes Sara?"
"Oh, that's the reason for these questions! Sara has a crush on Harry! Well, she's definitely not the only one and I don't think Harry is ready for another relationship. But I'm not sure. She has to find that out."
Julia looks confused. "Who has to find that out?"
"Sara! She can ask him to meet here. Maybe they can go to the cinema or drink coffee together. I don't know."
This is the end of our talk. We arrive at school a few minutes later and Leanne goes to her friend Mary and I go to Rose and my other friends. But Sara is not with my sister's friends. She is with us.
She stands next to Harry and looks at me. "Hey Sara" I say and smile.
She does not answer, I do not know why, maybe she thinks that I know she has a crush on Harry.
Her eyes are a bit creepy, they look empty as if she does not have any thoughts right now.
Josh seems to be a bit annoyed that his sister is with his friends now and even with his best friend Harry.
But she has to leave when we go to our class rooms.Mrs. Smith talks with us about the exchange and she asks everyone to give her his and her opinion about the exchange.
She gives us different questions that we have to answer.Name of the English student:
Name of the host family:
Did you get on well with your exchange student?:
Why?/ Why not?:
How many people lived with you?:
Did you have your own room?:
Write down your opinion about your room:
Did you like the program at school?:
Write down pros and cons of the group work:
What did you like about the exchange?:
What did you not like?:
What could the Irish school improve?:
What could the host families improve?:I write down my name and James' last name at first. Then I write that we did not get on very well because James did not talk to me. Two people lived with me and I had my own room. It was small but nice and comfortable. I also write that I liked the program at school because the comparison of Ireland and England was an interesting topic.
Pros of the group work were that I found new friends and one con is that we sometimes did not share the same opinion so we had to discuss at first.
The next question is What did you like about the exchange?
This is a difficult question... maybe the school and the evenings at Alana's house.
What did you not like?
That one is easy. I did not like that I was drunk and had sex with my exchange student. But I cannot write that down. So I only write that I did not like that my exchange student did not talk very much.
The Irish school could improve the normal lessons. The group work was okay but the normal lessons were very boring.
And the host families could improve what they say. Marilyn could have talked less and James could have talked more but I do not write that down. I only write that I wish I could have seen more of Ireland and not only the zoo.
When Mrs. Smith collects our papers the first lesson is over.
"Thank you all for answering the questions!" Mrs. Smith smiles. I did not even know that she could smile.
She leaves and we have P.E. now. It is pretty boring because we only play football. So I am glad when this lesson is over and we have a short break after that.
"Do you wanna visit Louis?" Rose asks me.
"Umm... I don't know if that's a good idea... I don't think my mother would like that."
"Yes, that's true but she needn't know that."
I think about that.
On one hand I would love to see Louis again but on the other hand my mother told me not to meet him because she thinks he was dangerous...
But my love for Louis is stronger and I say yes.

FanfictionI had good marks,great friends, a lovely home, nice hobbies... I had an almost perfect life. Except one point. The guy I fell in love with. My mum always told me not to fall in love - cause when something falls... it breaks. Now I know what she mean...