"Diana?" a deep calm voice says when I open my eyes.
He's back.
I see Louis standing in front of me but he looks like a blurred picture.
After I shook my head he is a bit clearer and I try to find out what's wrong with his glance and his eyes. I miss his shining green blue eyes I fell in love with...
"What's up?"
He avoids looking at me and stares at his feet when he finally answers.
"Rose is... she's at the hospital."
"Why?!" I shout "Is everything alright with her?! Oh no! Poor Rose! What happened to her?!"
I cry and scream and shout.
I lost Bella.
I lost Leanne.
I don't want to lose Rose!
Rose! My best friend!
"Do you want to see her?" Louis asks and I nod.
We run out of his house and I jump into his car.
I've never seen anyone driving as fast as Louis does and everything is blurred again.
There's only one thought in my head.
Rose. Rose. Rose.
"Faster, faster, Louis!" I cry and look out of the window.
It's dark and foggy.
Sunday morning.
Louis puts his hand on my thigh and the car stops.
"C'mon" Louis whispers and I open the door.
We go to the hospital and every step I make feels heavy.
But the worst are the words the nurse tells us.
"Rose Blackman? She's the girl with the long black hair and the green dress, isn't she?"
Although I don't know what she wore last night I nod.
"Sorry, you two. I have bad news for you. She was very sick when she came to us. She wasn't able to live anymore. Rose died 20 minutes ago."
I don't feel anything.
I don't even realise that I lose my control.
I can't see anything.
And for one moment it feels like I am dead, too.
"Diana! Wake up! C'mon, love!"
I wake up when I hear Louis' voice. I'm still crying and wondering why I'm not at the hospital anymore...
"Rose... my Rose... she left me! Why did she have to die?!" I cry and Louis looks confused.
"What the hell are you talking about?! Rose isn't dead, she's alive! Go downstairs, love, she has just arrived. But hurry up because Zayn and Rose want to go to the cinema now."
Oh my god. I'm so glad that it was just a bad dream...
I take a deep breath and stand up.
Louis kisses me and I go to his bathroom.
"I don't need to go downstairs. I trust you and now I know that it was just a dream..."
He smiles and I get a warm feeling inside... I love that smile! It drives me crazy...
I take a quick shower and get dressed.
Half an hour later I'm ready and I go back to Louis' room.
"You look so beautiful!" Louis smiles and hugs me "What do you wanna do today?"
"Maybe we can go shopping? I need some new clothes for the exchange." I suggest and Louis looks confused.
"Which exchange?"
"Oh, you're right! I didn't tell you about that! Well, we're gonna go to Ireland in two weeks. We stay for two weeks and after that our exchange student is gonna visit us in Doncaster. I'm really looking forward to that. Niall is from Ireland and he says it's beautiful!"
Louis doesn't seem to be as excited as I am.
"Sounds okay." he says without any emotions.
"Louis! It's better than okay! It's fantastic! I've never been to Ireland before!"
"Okay. But we can't go shopping today. It's Sunday, honey."
"Oh shit! I forgot that... Can we go shopping tom..." I'm interrupted by my ringing mobile phone.
It's my mother on the phone.
"Hello Mum!" I say.
"Good morning, darling. I want you to come home now."
"No! Come home! I don't wanna wait. Hurry up!"
"What the..." I want to say but she has already hung up.
"I must go home now" I tell Louis "I'll call you later!" I kiss him and go downstairs.
Why does Mum want me to hurry up?!
Did something happen?
When I arrive at home my Mum opens the door and I don't know if she's angry or sad but she looks very serious.
"What happened?" I ask quietly.

FanficI had good marks,great friends, a lovely home, nice hobbies... I had an almost perfect life. Except one point. The guy I fell in love with. My mum always told me not to fall in love - cause when something falls... it breaks. Now I know what she mean...