Chapter 53

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"Wake up, darling! You have to go to school!"

I open my eyes and see Louis standing in front of me.

"Good morning" I say sleepily and turn around but Louis doesn't let me go on sleeping.

I hear him sit down and I feel a hand on my waist.

"Let me sleep, Louis" I mutter and push his hand away and Louis laughs.

I put my hands on my ears. Grrr, I wanna sleep!

But then he leans over me and grins cheeky.

I roll my eyes at him... but I can't ignore my goose bumps when he looks at me that way...

"You can do what you want to do- I won't stand up!" I sigh.

"Don't be sure about that" he giggles and starts tickling me.

"No Louis!" I scream and laugh at once "Heeelp! No Louis, please not! Stop thaaaat" I try to escape from his bed but I he's too strong.

He chuckles "Why should I?"

"Louiis" I gasp and can't stop laughing and screaming.

"What's up, my dear? You don't need to scream, baby."

Grrr... I try again to get away from him but he doesn't let me go.

"Loouuuiiis!" I shout and laugh.

"That's my name" he laughs and while he's saying that I can escape.

Wey hey!

"Stop!" Louis shouts and takes my hand.

He pulls me onto his lap and there's a firework in my heart and my whole body.

"Who said I couldn't make you get up?" he asks cocky and laughs.

I lean my head against his shoulder and put my finger on his lips.

"Shut up! That wasn't fair!" I chuckle.

Instead of answering he takes my hands and kisses me.

I enjoy this moment and the fact that we haven't been fighting for days.

"I love you, Diana."

"I love you, too, my lovely idiot!"

He tickles my rips and I wince.

Louis laughs and I stand up.

"I really have to go to school now!" I say and look for my bag.

"What about your homework?" Louis reminds me and I think about doing it now...

I don't want to get bad marks but I'm sort of too lazy for doing my homework now so I just get dressed and eat a toast with jam.

Louis sits down across from me and next to Zayn. "Hello" Zayn says and Louis and I answer at the same time "Good morning, Zayn." We laugh and Zayn goes on making a sandwich.

"When do you come back?" Louis asks while we're eating.

"Um... I'm not sure about that. Actually I'd come back at 3 o'clock but I'm gonna go cooking after school so it'd probably be later. Maybe... half past three or 4 o'clock."

"Okay. Have fun at school."

Louis kisses me and I roll my eyes at him. Fun at school... Never in a million years.

When I finished my breakfast I take my bag and wait for Rose.

"Good morning!" she smiles when she comes downstairs.

"Good morning" I answer and smile.

Rose takes her bag and Zayn hands her the sandwich.

"Thank you!" She kisses him and we make our way to school.

Luckily Louis and Zayn live next to our school so we don't have to walk a long time but the way is long enough to think about the people in my life...

I am so pleased that Louis and I get on very well at the moment and when I'm with him I forget all my worries and my sadness about Leanne...

"Did you do your homework?" Rose asks and I shake my head.

"Well, so I'm not the only one without homework! That's good." she says happily and I laugh.

The bell rings and we go to our classroom.

I whisper "Is Bella here?" and Rose shakes her head. I can't see her anywhere, either.

"Good morning everyone, sit down, please!" our teacher says and she looks... happy!

Mrs. I-hate-every-single-pupil-in-this-class never looks happy!

Everyone starts talking immediately and her mood gets worse...

"Stop talking! I have great news for you!"

Our whole class shuts up and she is satisfied.

"Well, guys, you know that this is our last year at school. After school you will take your A-levels. We don't have much time left so we are going to do a class trip next month."

"What the hell?!" I respond "Why didn't you tell us that earlier?!"

"That's right!" Niall comments and I can hear Liam's voice, too "Most of us are 17 or 18 years old! Don't you think we're a bit too old for a class trip?!"

"I don't want to stay at a youth hostel!" Heather remarks and Josh agrees.

"Be quiet!" Mrs. Smith shouts "If you interrupt me we won't do that class trip at all!"

"Sounds okay" Daisy mumbles and I grin.

"Well, it's not really a class trip, it's an exchange with pupils from Ireland."

"Ireland!" Niall shouts and everyone laughs.

Mrs. Smith sighs "Yes, Niall, we all know that you're from Ireland but please be quiet because I want to tell you the details of this exchange. Okay so we will stay for one week and you can decide what we are going to do. It's your last class trip and it should be as great as possible." She smiles and I think it's the first time I've seen her that nice!

I look at Rose and she looks at me.

Best friends - same thoughts.

We're going to go shopping!

At the break everyone talks about this exchange. I'm very excited, too. I've never been to Ireland before!

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