Chapter 50

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After school I have to decide whether to go to Louis or Niall because he asked me to help him to get a present for Liam and Victoria.

I don't have any ideas what to buy so I decide to go with Niall.

"Rose?" I ask "Do you wanna visit Zayn or do you come with me to Niall's house?"

"I'm gonna go shopping with Zayn. I'm sorry, Diana. Love you."

She hugs me and dissappears.

"Diana? Are you coming?" Niall asks and I follow him to his car.

"Do you have an idea what we can buy?" I question but Niall shakes his head. "I don't have any ideas but we can ask Meltem to help us."


"Who's Meltem?"

"She's my girlfriend. I think you've seen her at Louis' and Zayn's party."

Meltem... She must be the girl who danced with Niall.

"How long have you been dating each other?"

"Dating... um... I think it's only been four months. But now we're in a relationship."

That seems to be so easy... dating. love. relationship. Why does Louis' and my love have to be so complicated?

Niall drives to his girlfriend's house. I've never been here before.

A girl comes out of a house and waves.

Now I'm sure that I've seen her before. She is the girl from the party.

"Hello" she says and smiles. After she got on she gives Niall a kiss and fifteen minutes later we are at the mall.

Meltem takes Niall's hand and we go through the shops.

"Maybe we can buy a coupon for the cinema." Meltem suggests.

"Yea, that's a great idea!" I agree and Niall nods. "Let's go to the cinema!"

We go there and buy the coupon for Liam and Victoria. Everyone pays 10 pounds.

"Oh my god!" Meltem shouts "Pirates of the caribbean 4! We must watch it!"

Niall and I like this film, too, so we buy three more cinema tickets and go to our seats.

After five minutes we notice that we haven't bought any popcorn so Niall stands up to get it.

When he comes back he has a huge box with popcorn and it's very tasty.

I love this film! And I love Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom.

Captain Jack Sparrow is so hot and strong and pretty and attractive... okay I should stop talking about Jack Sparrow.

Captain Jack Sparrow!

I see that Niall and Meltem are holding hands and I wish Louis would be here with me... I miss him, but I decide to visit him later.

The film is very exciting, but I can't concentrate very well because I'm thinking about Louis...

"Diana! C'mon!" Niall laughs and I realise that I fell asleep... Hell no! That's so embarrassing...

"The film hasn't been that boring!" Meltem smiles and I stand up.

"Let's go" I grin to hide my embarrassment.

"Who wants to eat something?" Niall asks when we're back in the car.

"Um... I'm very hungry" Meltem replies "What about you, ..."

"Diana" I say "And me too."

"Do you wanna eat pizza?" Niall suggests and we agree.

We go to the next pizza place and order a big family pizza.

It's very delicious.

We eat and talk about Liam's and Victoria's anniversary.

"How many people are invited?" Meltem wants to know but I don't know that, either.

"Um... Liam invited us, Rose, Zayn, Josh, Harry, Heather, my sister, Mary, Sara and who else?" I ask and Niall adds "I think Liam's other friends who are in our class. Maybe Amy, Eliane, Carlos, Enrico, Daisy and Skyler..."

"I don't know anyone of them!" Meltem laughs "That's gonna be fun!"

I don't know why she thinks it will be fun... I don't like being at parties without knowing anyone but my boyfriend... but Meltem is very open-minded and I think she'll make many new friends.

"Should I drive you to your house or do you want to go home with Meltem and me?" Niall asks when we finished our pizza.

"Can you bring me to our school?"

"What do you wanna do at school?" Niall asks confused.

"My friend Louis lives next to our school and I wanna visit him" I explain.

About 15 minutes later we arrive at Louis' house and I thank Niall.

I ring the doorbell and wait for Louis or Zayn to open the door.

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