Chapter 57

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I need to call Rose now. She's the only one who can understand my worries.

"Hey Diana" she says when she answers the phone.

"Hey Rose" I whisper and try to stop the tears which are almost running out of my eyes.

"Is everything alright?" she asks slowly but I hear that she's sure nothing is alright.

"No" I sigh honestly.

"Should I come over?" Rose is the best friend of the world.


The doorbell rings 15 minutes later and I'm glad to see Rose when I open the door.

She hugs me and I know she's the type of friend everyone wishes to have.

"Thanks for coming" I say and try not to cry.

"I'll always be there for you. What's up, honey?"

"Let's go upstairs" I suggest and Rose follows me into my room.

We sit down on my bed and while I'm telling her the whole situation I start crying again.

"Oh no!" Rose shouts when I finish my story "That's terrible!"

I nod and give her the letter.

"What's that?"

"Can you tell Zayn to give it to Louis? That's a letter. I have to tell him the truth. well, I didn't write that my Mum prohibits me to meet him but I wrote that we can't see each other again. You can read the letter if you want to."

Rose takes the letter and there are tears in her eyes a few seconds later.

I did not mean to make her cry... "Rose?" I whisper but she just shakes her head.

"No... No, Diana! I can't read that!" she sobs and I hand her a handkerchief.

"You don't need to read that. I just want you to give it to Louis or Zayn. Louis should read it. And please don't tell him about my mother."

"I won't" Rose promises.


"I think I should go now. We'll see us tomorrow."

I nod and hug Rose.

Then she goes downstairs and I hear her saying goodbye to my parents.

A few minutes later I decide to do my homework and luckily it is not very much to do.

"Good night, darling" my father says when he comes into my room. He seems to know that Mum thinks my 'boyfriend' was a murderer. He looks sleepy and I bet he worked the whole Sunday.

It is very exhausting to be a firefighter, I guess.

"Good night, Dad" I reply and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After that I go to bed and I fall asleep without any nightmares...


Oh shit. This is my alarm clock.

I get up and take a hot shower.

I don't feel like doing anything but I know I have to go to school because I missed too many lessons in the last few weeks... And Louis is one reason why I did not learn anything... the other reasons are Leanne, Bella, Victor, Jason and all the other things that happen in my life at the moment...

"Diana? Can you walk Nelly, please?"

I did not notice that my Mum has just entered my room but I nod.

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