Late Night(Ashton)

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You were almost asleep when you heard a light tap against your window. At first you thought you were hearing things and shook it off as it being your imagination. You heard it again, but didn't let yourself think about it. You kept telling yourself to not be so dramatic. You heard it again and finally got up and went to the window. You look down and immediately open the window. "Ashton what the hell are you doing? Do you have any idea what time it is?" You frown. "Let me in. I miss you" he pouts. "My parents are home. And asleep" you add. "Please?" He begs. You can never say no to him so you quietly let him in. "You have to be dead silent Ashton. I mean it" you warn him. If you get caught you're both so dead. When it came to Ashton your parents were so strict with rules. He could only be over so a certain amount of time and you could never be alone. It got on your nerves sometimes, but you put up with it just to see him. He hugged you tightly. "I missed you and I couldn't wait until tomorrow to see you." He mumbles into your neck. You play with the hair at the bottom of his neck, knowing how much it relaxes him. "I missed you too and you're here now" you say back. "I don't wanna leave" he sighs, knowing he can't stay too long. "Plus I don't wanna keep you awake. You have school tomorrow" he says smiling. "I'd rather stay up with you." He shakes his head smiling. "Babe your education is more important and we both know the lecture from your parents about sleeping in class will be brutal for both of us" he laughs. You smile and kiss him before leading him to the door. "I love you" you whisper. "I love you too" he says and leaves. You were halfway up the stairs when you're stopped. "Y/n" you hear your father say sternly. One brutal lecture later and a sentence of being grounded for a week you find yourself falling asleep thinking it was all totally worth it.

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