Dreams Do Come True (Calum)

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You scroll through Twitter seeing all of these new pictures of Calum. He was so gorgeous but you knew you never had a chance. You and your friend have tickets to the very last show of the tour and you were so excited. You get there early and talk to some of the other girls waiting in line. As the doors finally open your whole body was buzzing with excitement. You've waited all year for this and now the day was finally here. You rocked out (with your socks out) all night having the time of your life with your friend. It was the part where they pick someone to come play a guitar and you cheered even louder. Before you knew what was happening you were being helped over the barricade. You ran onto the stage really trying to keep your shit together. "Alright what's your name?" Luke asks. "Y/n" You say, surprisingly confident. "Y/n. I like It. So here's the deal you're gonna play Calum's bass. How does that sound?" He asks. You nod smiling. Calum comes over and helps you put it on and you swear your heart stops. "Have you ever played before?" Calum asks in you ear. You nod. "But I'm not very good" You admit. "Here let me help" He says. You start playing the best you remember, staring the bass cords for American Idiot by Green Day. Calum recognizes the song and smiles shocked. You couldn't remember the rest so he takes his hand and yours and guides you through the notes. "See you're getting it. Better than me" He laughs. You laugh "no one could be better than you" You blurt out, blushing after. He smiles and kisses your cheek and that time you're sure your heart stops. You pass him back the guitar when he stops you. "Hug?" He asks. You obviously weren't going to say no so you wrap your arms around him as he does the same. "Hey I want a hug!" Mikey whines. He runs over and wraps his arms around both of you. "Group hug!" Luke says joining. They pull away and Calum slips a pass over your head. "Come see me after" He mumbles. You nod in shock and go back to your seats. You best friend was freaking out and hugged you. "Oh my god!" She kept saying. It was by far the best night of your life.

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