Lies. (Calum)

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6 months. It's been exactly 6 months since you and Calum broke up. You've missed like hell. Every tiny detail reminds you of him whether it's a song, a movie, a place, or sometimes a scent. He's always clouding your mind which makes getting over him that much harder. It was still a touchy subject and did your best to avoid talking about anything dealing with him. 6 long months and the questions haven't gotten any easier to answer.

You were lounging around your house in some baggy sweatpants and a sweater. Your hair was in a messy bun since it was Sunday and you literally had no plans. You had just gotten comfortable when your door bell rang. You curse to yourself as you go to your door. You open the door to reveal Ashton. his hands are tucked into his front pockets as he looks at the ground. You can't tell what makes you more uneasy, the fact that your once good friend is now awkwardly standing on your doorstep or the look he currently has. You can tell that whatever brought him here isn't good. You invite him in and he nods and walks in. "Y/n I, we need your help." He says. You look at him confused and he continues. "Ever since you broke up Calum has been really off, not that you haven't, or maybe you're okay I wouldn't know. I mean shit that sounds awful I'm sure you're still hurting, not that you're weak or anything-" "Ashton breathe it's okay. Why are you here?" You ask confused. He takes a deep sigh and runs his hands over his face. "Calum has shut everyone out. No one can get him out of his room, not even his mum. We don't know what else to do." He whispers. Your heart tugs at his words. Your emotions are all over the place. He's the one that broke it off yet here he is, well more like Ashton, in your house begging for help. You want to be angry but the bigger part of you is really worried. Calum always listens to his mum no matter what mood he's in. "What do you want me to do exactly?" "Can you just come and try to get him to at least unlock the door? Maybe you can talk some sense into him. We think maybe if he sees you okay then he'll feel better." He admits. "What makes you think I'm okay?" You say frowning. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "I keep fucking this up. Just please you're our last hope and you know I wouldn't be begging like this unless it was important. We all have been on weird terms since he broke it off because we were all friends and everything is all fucked up but I've never seen him like this." He says.

After some serious bribing and $40 later you slipped on your shoes and went with Ashton. Now here you are, outside Calum's familiar door with the 'Do Not Disturb...Ever' sign on it because it makes him feel like he's at home, for god only knows what reason. You knock on the door and get no response, which they all told you would happen. You ball your fist and bang on his door harshly as you start to get angry. "God Dammit Calum I know you're in there and you're being ridiculous. You have 3 seconds to open this door or I swear to god." You yell. The other boys are in the hallway looking at you and the door. You can hear movement from the inside but the door is never unlocked. After waiting a short while you took the small brown bobby pin from your hair and try to twist the lock. Soon you get it open and you open the door. You walk in and see a messy room-more messier than usual. You take in the room until your eyes land on the bed. You can make out Calum wrapped in a mound of blankets in the center of his queen sized bed. You sigh and grab his covers. You pull them back and you're faced with a pale and unkept version of your now ex boyfriend. "Calum Thomas Hood you get your ass out of that bed and into that shower and start functioning like a normal human being this instant or I swear to god. There is no reason you need to throw yourself a pity party when you're the one who called it quits. Life goes on and so will you now go." You say sternly. If it were anyone else you'd be sensitive and compassionate but this Calum. He's stubborn as hell and will play this out at long as possible. Pretty pathetic you know him like the back of your hand when you're struggling to find who you are without him.

His head picks up and he glares at you. "Leave." He says throwing a pillow in your direction. You laugh at his weak attempt. "Calum now or I'll drag you." You warn. "Stop treating me like a child." He snaps. "Then stop acting like one. The world doesn't revolve around you Calum. So you've had a few bad days, boo hoo. Like the rest of us haven't? I'm sick of this and frankly you aren't my problem anymore." You mumble more to yourself. "That's the real reason we never worked out. Not because you were out seeing the world. You were too busy just seeing yourself." You finish. "What's that supposed to mean?" He says sitting up. "Here you are laying in bed making everyone worry that 'aw poor cal has a broken heart blah blah blah' but you're the one that left Calum. I didn't choose this you did so stop acting like the victim and fix it." "Well I'm glad to have meant such little to you for you to be over it so quickly." You look at him in disbelief. "Open up your eyes Calum! I'm struggling okay?! I'm glad everyone thinks I'm doing just fine because I'm falling apart on the inside. My whole life has completely fallen and all I'm left with are sharp jagged pieces that I'm responsible for picking up because you chose to leave. Don't sit here and accuse me of being some perfectly put together person when you're the one who left me shattered." You snap and walk out of his room. You can't take it anymore and being so close yet so far from him, the only person you want to be close to, is hurting you so much. "Y/n wait!" Ashton yells. He tries to grab your hand but you quickly snatch it away and kept walking right out the door. Thankfully you didn't live far from them so you were able to walk home.

A week later and you still haven't heard a word. No on has told you whether Calum took your advice or not, not that it really concerns you. You sigh and finish up your work for the day. You rummage through your kitchen looking for something to eat when there was a knock on the door. You really didn't want to answer the door but you weren't a rude person. You open the door to Calum standing there much like Ashton did. He too has his hands in the front pockets of his black skinny jeans as he bites his lip nervously. "What do you want?" You ask tiredly. You were tired of the back and forth and seeing him everywhere when you just wanted to get him out of your mind. "I came to apologize. For a lot of things actually." He mumbles rubbing the back of his neck. "Can I come in?" He asks. "No." You say trying to close the door. He sticks his foot in and pushes his way in. "Y/n you stubborn girl listen to me." He says frowning. You shake your head. "You need to listen. It's really important." "Calum you're in my house I don't have to do shit." You snap. He sighs. "Please?" He begs. "Fine," you say giving in. "You have 2 minutes." You say crossing your arms over your chest. "ok um look I really fucked up and we both know that and I never should've let you go. It's the dumbest, second dumbest thing actually, that I've ever done. The first being how I acted the other day. Everything you said was true. I'm very self centered, especially when it came to you, and I played the victim because regardless of who left who it still hurt. And I'm sorry that everyone assumes that you're okay but you wear heartbreak pretty well. I also told a lot of lies and got mad when you called me out but y/n I've always loved you and after you gave me that reality check I realized what I was missing. None of this means shit without you. I need you." He says. You can see the tears in his eyes start to form, much like they are in yours. You bite the inside of your cheek to hold back the tears, but it was a weak attempt. They betray you as they start to fall down your face. Calum looks worried and conflicted. He slowly makes his way over to you and gently brushes the tears away. "Please don't cry. I know I messed up but please don't cry." He begs. "I'm so confused. One minute we're fighting and you're leaving and now you're here and as much as I want to give in every part of me is saying its a bad idea." You admit. "Why?" "Because out of all the lies you told, I love you was my favorite. And hearing you say it makes me want to believe all over again but I can't pick myself again." "Then don't. Does your heart think this is a bad idea?" He asks gently. You pause to think about. You shake your head no because it's the truth. You're so in love with this kiwi boy that it hurts and throughout the course of your relationship the pain was worth it. He places his big hand on the side of your face making you look up at him. "Then it's not a bad idea." He whispers before kissing you. His soft plump lips gently collide with yours. He's always had this way of making it soft and rough all at once in the best way. It makes you want more but also content with what he gives you. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours. "I love you." He whispers. "And I know you aren't ready to say it back just yet but I'll wait." He whispers. Maybe it isn't a lie after all.

A/n~ wow guys here's the update. It's officially 1,815 words 😅 I really hope you like it. Also feel free to check out Day and Night(H.S) or Drive(L.H) 😊💕 I really hope you guys like the update. Requests are open. Happy readying. Xx

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